Re: Multimedia/Volume Keys Not Working

2013-02-15 Thread Facundo Aguirre
Hi Harvey, I have a HP dv5 and had exactly the same issue, but with dwm. I finally got it working with xbindkeys. It installs the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98xbindkeys, so xbindkeys is started with X. You can use xbindkeys-config for a graphical configuration. My .xbdinkeysrc for those keys is

[Solved] Re: Multimedia/Volume Keys Not Working

2013-02-15 Thread Harvey Kelly
Hi Facundo, Thanks for that. I did actually try xbindkeys before, and I was sure my config was correct, but obviously I was wrong: I didn't point at the card like you did (with -c0) and think there's where I went wrong as everything else in your rc file is identical to my .xbindkeysrc. Thanks aga