Hi there,
I am looking for a way to manage different network configurations for
environments I am working in with my notebook (Woody unstable). Sometimes I
have to use DHCP, sometimes its a static IP and so on.
I tried to find something using 'apt-cache search' but for all keywords I
get so
Hi all,
sorry for the off-topic, and for me bad english. My excuse, i use debian
2.2 Potato on it, i promise migrate to Woody when i resolved this
problem ;-P
I explained you for someone had same problem and can help me.
My dell inspiron 8100 15" lcd (IBM ITSX95E) had broken his inverter. I
> Assuming it's a cardbus card...
It claims to be one.
> >| Apr 2 14:42:52 flyer kernel: PCI: Enabling device 02:00.0 ( ->
> >| 0003)
> Seems not to be cardbus device! Is that all about ? Next, there should be
> cardmgr: entries like socket : ID string in the syslog; then cardmgr
> ex
On Thursday 03 April 2003 02:24, Ben Lau wrote:
> Please post your /var/log/daemon.log.
Well, it used to be:
Apr 2 19:03:30 flyer cardmgr[2086]: starting, version is 3.1.33
Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: watching 2 sockets
Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: Card Services release does
I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with vanilla, self
compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under both kernel versions, a
"poweroff" does a shutdown, but no power off. I played around with
kernel options, trying to both shutdown using real and protected mode.
Any ideas? Than
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 09:38, Harry Brueckner wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am looking for a way to manage different network configurations for
> environments I am working in with my notebook (Woody unstable). Sometimes I
> have to use DHCP, sometimes its a static IP and so on.
> I tried to find so
This would be almost trivial to write as a bash script.
if [ "$1" -eq "DHCP" ]; then
ifup ifcfg-eth0.dhcp
elsif [ "$1" -eq "STATIC1" ]; then
ifup ifcfg-eth0.static1
#etc...for more connection
Then put files of following form in /
At 11:30 2003-04-03, Remo Inverardi wrote:
I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with vanilla, self
compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under both kernel versions, a
"poweroff" does a shutdown, but no power off. I played around with kernel
options, trying to both shutdown usin
* Bill Allombert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030403 00:39]:
> Unfortunatly it seems that apm currenlty is unavailable during the
> execution of event.d scripts (someone to confirm ?). Since cron jobs
> can take a long time this is a problem (and that can cause hang if you
> try to suspend before the end o
> You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a
> complete shutdown to work.
APM is compiled and linked into my kernel. As far as I can tell, APM
works fine (/proc/apm shows battery stats etc). ACPI did no seem to work
with the M700 when I last tried it using kernel version 2
> Any suggestions?
See the Debian Laptop Proposal http://tuxmobil.org/debian_linux.html
and the Linux Mobile-Guide http://tuxmobil.org/howtos.html
chapter working in different environments.
|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| T. 0049 - (0)30
At 14:08 2003-04-03, Remo Inverardi wrote:
> You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a
> complete shutdown to work.
APM is compiled and linked into my kernel. As far as I can tell, APM works
fine (/proc/apm shows battery stats etc). ACPI did no seem to work with
the M700
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 13:20:45 +0200 (CEST)
"L. A. Linden Levy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This would be almost trivial to write as a bash script.
> i.e.
> #!/bin/bash
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
> if [ "$1" -eq "DHCP" ]; then
> ifup ifcfg-eth0.dhcp
> elsif [ "$1" -eq "STATIC1" ]; the
"Remo" == Remo Inverardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Remo> I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with
Remo> vanilla, self compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under
Remo> both kernel versions, a "poweroff" does a shutdown, but no
Remo> power off. I played aroun
Gabor FLEISCHER wrote:
Is there anyone who succeeded with KDE3, noflushd?
I could set up my system to spin down the disks when I don't run KDE.
But with KDE it always has some disk usage. I was searching in google, and I
saw other people had the same problem about a year ago, but nobody had any
I've a laptop with debian woody 3.0r1 with IrDA configured and working
(at least i can use my mobile phone modem) but i'd like to exchange
files with windows machines...
When i use windows, and i put my laptop near other laptop, there's an
icon that say's that another computer is near an
I got a wlan-card with orinoco/prism2 chipset. Driver, iwconfig and ifconfig
seem to work correctly.
The card is accepted as eth1, I can change the ip and switch to ad-hoc mode
with iwconfig. Most parameters like essid can also be set.
But how do I connect to another client in the ad-hoc mod
Hi Folks.
I haven't been writing for a while. In fact I unsubscribed and subscribed
again just today (changes in my life and stuff). Anyway, that's probably
not very relevant to you.
I've got two questions for you.
1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian stable (thanks
to everyon
Hash: SHA1
The only way I could was using the hostap driver.
Fernando Gonzalez
El Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:57:32 +0200
> Hi,
> I got a wlan-card with orinoco/prism2 chipset. Driver, iwconfig and ifconfig
> seem to work correctly.
> The card
Hi All,
I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
can download stuff quite happily, and run loadlin to install.
The problem is, as fa
I tried that, and it ran for about 2 seconds. I get the impression that
it just checks the package db for bad install flags and does not actually
go out into the filesystem to CRC check every file...
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:55:42 -0500
> "Dwaine Gonyier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED
"Alessandro Speranza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian stable (thanks
> to everyone who put up on the web some information about ACPI and other
> issues with this laptop). Now I would need something with which I can
> autodect the networ
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 04:37:48PM +0200, Alessandro Speranza wrote:
> Hi Folks.
> I haven't been writing for a while. In fact I unsubscribed and subscribed
> again just today (changes in my life and stuff). Anyway, that's probably
> not very relevant to you.
> I've got two questions for you.
The motherboard on my Dell Inspiron 8000 died, and was replaced. After fsck
cleaned up the drive, dpkg was failing:
% dpkg -l g++\*
dpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for
reading: No such file or directory
A version of it was in lost+found. I mo
> 1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian
> stable (thanks
> to everyone who put up on the web some information about ACPI
> and other
> issues with this laptop). Now I would need something with which I can
> autodect the network (if present) I'm connected to amongst a few
> pos
I just installed basic Debian 3.0 on a laptop and find I need
a late 2.4 kernel, or better to use my NIC. The only "connectivity" I've
got is a CD burner on another (sindows) machine that does
have a fast internet connection.
Can someone point me to an ISO image or a package
I can download. It ha
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Sale, Nigel wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
> can download stuff quite happil
I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio PCG-R505TSK ... with no success.
After booting into the bootfloppy cd with 'linux ide2=0x180,0x386" (to makte
the pcmcia cdrom drive work during the install) I can install debian without
any problems and the system comes up after the install
Now there's a weakness, it seems.
When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not, exits
(no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron runs only
if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjobs will be
But what now if you bootu
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:25:38AM -0600, Sale, Nigel wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
> can dow
Nothing aside from the debian setup routine (root password, user account, md5
hashed shadowed passwords, local mail delivery ...). This should surely not be
interfering with the kernel!?
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 22:53:41 +0200
"Stopanes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> What have you
> How can i do this with my linux laptop? i've heard and read that windows
> uses the OBEX protocol, how can i use it on linux? do i need extra
> modules? how do i send a file? what do i need to do to receive a file?
Take the package openobex-apps and read the OBEX chapter of the Infrared-HOWTO
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:41:01AM -0800, Michael K O'Brien wrote:
> Hola~
> The motherboard on my Dell Inspiron 8000 died, and was replaced. After fsck
Avoid Dell IMHO...
> cleaned up the drive, dpkg was failing:
> % dpkg -l g++\*
> dpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/va
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:25:38 -0600
"Sale, Nigel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> Ideally, I'm looking for a kernel/install which does have pcmcia support,
> (oth
On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 13:58:25 -0500
Al Dykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just installed basic Debian 3.0 on a laptop and find I need
> a late 2.4 kernel, or better to use my NIC. The only "connectivity" I've
> got is a CD burner on another (sindows) machine that does
> have a fast internet conne
Thomas Friedrichsmeier [Donnerstag, 3. April 2003 11:03]:
>| Apr 2 19:03:30 flyer cardmgr[2086]: starting, version is 3.1.33
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: watching 2 sockets
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: Card Services release does not match
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086
* Karl E. Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-04-03 23:16] :
> On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:41:01AM -0800, Michael K O'Brien wrote:
> A couple of months back there was a (short?) discussion in one of the
> debian lists on how to recover a fully hosed /var - that's bound to be
> in the archive
Another question is, what were you doing using dpkg when the laptop died ?
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:41:01 -0800
"Michael K O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I'm a bit nervous of the integrity of the status file. Is
> there any way to verify the status file?
Before you worry about verifying it, copy it somewhere else so you can
get back to it.
As another precau
More investigation into the matter: boot into single user mode ('linux single'
at lilo prompt) gets me in - does that help anybody?
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:10:11 -0800
Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio PCG-R505TSK ... wi
On Thursday 03 April 2003 05:13, mi wrote:
> Now there's a weakness, it seems.
> When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not,
> exits (no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron
> runs only if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjo
"Johannes" == Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johannes> Hello, I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio
Johannes> PCG-R505TSK ... with no success. After booting into the
Johannes> bootfloppy cd with 'linux ide2=0x180,0x386" (to makte
Johannes> the pcmcia c
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Gabor FLEISCHER wrote:
> Is there anyone who succeeded with KDE3, noflushd?
I don't run KDE3, but...
> I could set up my system to spin down the disks when I don't run KDE.
> But with KDE it always has some disk usage. I was searching in google, and I
> saw other people had t
This is quite possible, but it would imply that the installation carries over
the boot flags I set when booting into the netinstall ('ide2=0x180,0x386') -
since I don't tell the kernel anything (willingly) and have not set additional
boot parameters during the installation process (when asked fo
mi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now there's a weakness, it seems.
> When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not, exits
> (no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron runs only
> if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjobs will b
"Johannes" == Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johannes> This is quite possible, but it would imply that the
Johannes> installation carries over the boot flags I set when
Johannes> booting into the netinstall ('ide2=0x180,0x386') - since
Johannes> I don't tell the
Hi there,
I am looking for a way to manage different network configurations for
environments I am working in with my notebook (Woody unstable). Sometimes I
have to use DHCP, sometimes its a static IP and so on.
I tried to find something using 'apt-cache search' but for all keywords I
get so ma
Hi all,
sorry for the off-topic, and for me bad english. My excuse, i use debian
2.2 Potato on it, i promise migrate to Woody when i resolved this
problem ;-P
I explained you for someone had same problem and can help me.
My dell inspiron 8100 15" lcd (IBM ITSX95E) had broken his inverter. I
> Assuming it's a cardbus card...
It claims to be one.
> >| Apr 2 14:42:52 flyer kernel: PCI: Enabling device 02:00.0 ( ->
> >| 0003)
> Seems not to be cardbus device! Is that all about ? Next, there should be
> cardmgr: entries like socket : ID string in the syslog; then cardmgr
> ex
On Thursday 03 April 2003 02:24, Ben Lau wrote:
> Please post your /var/log/daemon.log.
Well, it used to be:
Apr 2 19:03:30 flyer cardmgr[2086]: starting, version is 3.1.33
Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: watching 2 sockets
Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: Card Services release does
I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with vanilla, self
compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under both kernel versions, a
"poweroff" does a shutdown, but no power off. I played around with
kernel options, trying to both shutdown using real and protected mode.
Any ideas? Thank
On Thu, 2003-04-03 at 09:38, Harry Brueckner wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am looking for a way to manage different network configurations for
> environments I am working in with my notebook (Woody unstable). Sometimes I
> have to use DHCP, sometimes its a static IP and so on.
> I tried to find so
This would be almost trivial to write as a bash script.
if [ "$1" -eq "DHCP" ]; then
ifup ifcfg-eth0.dhcp
elsif [ "$1" -eq "STATIC1" ]; then
ifup ifcfg-eth0.static1
#etc...for more connection
Then put files of following form in /
At 11:30 2003-04-03, Remo Inverardi wrote:
I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with vanilla, self
compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under both kernel versions, a
"poweroff" does a shutdown, but no power off. I played around with kernel
options, trying to both shutdown using
* Bill Allombert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030403 00:39]:
> Unfortunatly it seems that apm currenlty is unavailable during the
> execution of event.d scripts (someone to confirm ?). Since cron jobs
> can take a long time this is a problem (and that can cause hang if you
> try to suspend before the end o
> You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a
> complete shutdown to work.
APM is compiled and linked into my kernel. As far as I can tell, APM
works fine (/proc/apm shows battery stats etc). ACPI did no seem to work
with the M700 when I last tried it using kernel version 2.4
> Any suggestions?
See the Debian Laptop Proposal http://tuxmobil.org/debian_linux.html
and the Linux Mobile-Guide http://tuxmobil.org/howtos.html
chapter working in different environments.
|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| T. 0049 - (0)30
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 13:20:45 +0200 (CEST)
"L. A. Linden Levy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This would be almost trivial to write as a bash script.
> i.e.
> #!/bin/bash
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
> if [ "$1" -eq "DHCP" ]; then
> ifup ifcfg-eth0.dhcp
> elsif [ "$1" -eq "STATIC1" ]; the
At 14:08 2003-04-03, Remo Inverardi wrote:
> You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a
> complete shutdown to work.
APM is compiled and linked into my kernel. As far as I can tell, APM works
fine (/proc/apm shows battery stats etc). ACPI did no seem to work with
the M700 wh
"Remo" == Remo Inverardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Remo> I'm using a Compaq Armada M700 laptop, running SID with
Remo> vanilla, self compiled 2.4.20 and 2.4.21-pre6 kernels. Under
Remo> both kernel versions, a "poweroff" does a shutdown, but no
Remo> power off. I played aroun
Gabor FLEISCHER wrote:
Is there anyone who succeeded with KDE3, noflushd?
I could set up my system to spin down the disks when I don't run KDE.
But with KDE it always has some disk usage. I was searching in google, and I
saw other people had the same problem about a year ago, but nobody had any
I've a laptop with debian woody 3.0r1 with IrDA configured and working
(at least i can use my mobile phone modem) but i'd like to exchange
files with windows machines...
When i use windows, and i put my laptop near other laptop, there's an
icon that say's that another computer is near and
I got a wlan-card with orinoco/prism2 chipset. Driver, iwconfig and ifconfig
seem to work correctly.
The card is accepted as eth1, I can change the ip and switch to ad-hoc mode
with iwconfig. Most parameters like essid can also be set.
But how do I connect to another client in the ad-hoc mod
Hi Folks.
I haven't been writing for a while. In fact I unsubscribed and subscribed
again just today (changes in my life and stuff). Anyway, that's probably
not very relevant to you.
I've got two questions for you.
1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian stable (thanks
to everyon
Hash: SHA1
The only way I could was using the hostap driver.
Fernando Gonzalez
El Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:57:32 +0200
> Hi,
> I got a wlan-card with orinoco/prism2 chipset. Driver, iwconfig and ifconfig
> seem to work correctly.
> The card
Hi All,
I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
can download stuff quite happily, and run loadlin to install.
The problem is, as fa
I tried that, and it ran for about 2 seconds. I get the impression that
it just checks the package db for bad install flags and does not actually
go out into the filesystem to CRC check every file...
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:55:42 -0500
> "Dwaine Gonyier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED
"Alessandro Speranza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian stable (thanks
> to everyone who put up on the web some information about ACPI and other
> issues with this laptop). Now I would need something with which I can
> autodect the networ
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 04:37:48PM +0200, Alessandro Speranza wrote:
> Hi Folks.
> I haven't been writing for a while. In fact I unsubscribed and subscribed
> again just today (changes in my life and stuff). Anyway, that's probably
> not very relevant to you.
> I've got two questions for you.
The motherboard on my Dell Inspiron 8000 died, and was replaced. After fsck
cleaned up the drive, dpkg was failing:
% dpkg -l g++\*
dpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for
reading: No such file or directory
A version of it was in lost+found. I mo
> 1)I've got my laptop (compaq Presario 700) running debian
> stable (thanks
> to everyone who put up on the web some information about ACPI
> and other
> issues with this laptop). Now I would need something with which I can
> autodect the network (if present) I'm connected to amongst a few
> pos
I just installed basic Debian 3.0 on a laptop and find I need
a late 2.4 kernel, or better to use my NIC. The only "connectivity" I've
got is a CD burner on another (sindows) machine that does
have a fast internet connection.
Can someone point me to an ISO image or a package
I can download. It has
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Sale, Nigel wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
> can download stuff quite happil
I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio PCG-R505TSK ... with no success.
After booting into the bootfloppy cd with 'linux ide2=0x180,0x386" (to makte the
pcmcia cdrom drive work during the install) I can install debian without any problems
and the system comes up after the install
Now there's a weakness, it seems.
When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not, exits
(no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron runs only
if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjobs will be
But what now if you bootu
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:25:38AM -0600, Sale, Nigel wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> The hard disk currently has a small win98 partition which works fine, and I
> can dow
Nothing aside from the debian setup routine (root password, user account, md5 hashed
shadowed passwords, local mail delivery ...). This should surely not be interfering
with the kernel!?
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 22:53:41 +0200
"Stopanes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> What have you
> How can i do this with my linux laptop? i've heard and read that windows
> uses the OBEX protocol, how can i use it on linux? do i need extra
> modules? how do i send a file? what do i need to do to receive a file?
Take the package openobex-apps and read the OBEX chapter of the Infrared-HOWTO
On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:41:01AM -0800, Michael K O'Brien wrote:
> Hola~
> The motherboard on my Dell Inspiron 8000 died, and was replaced. After fsck
Avoid Dell IMHO...
> cleaned up the drive, dpkg was failing:
> % dpkg -l g++\*
> dpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/va
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:25:38 -0600
"Sale, Nigel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to install Debian (test) on a laptop which has one pcmcia slot,
> currently occupied by a nic, but no floppy or cdrom.
> Ideally, I'm looking for a kernel/install which does have pcmcia support,
> (oth
On Thu, 03 Apr 2003 13:58:25 -0500
Al Dykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just installed basic Debian 3.0 on a laptop and find I need
> a late 2.4 kernel, or better to use my NIC. The only "connectivity" I've
> got is a CD burner on another (sindows) machine that does
> have a fast internet conne
Thomas Friedrichsmeier [Donnerstag, 3. April 2003 11:03]:
>| Apr 2 19:03:30 flyer cardmgr[2086]: starting, version is 3.1.33
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: watching 2 sockets
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086]: Card Services release does not match
>| Apr 2 19:03:31 flyer cardmgr[2086
* Karl E. Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-04-03 23:16] :
> On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 09:41:01AM -0800, Michael K O'Brien wrote:
> A couple of months back there was a (short?) discussion in one of the
> debian lists on how to recover a fully hosed /var - that's bound to be
> in the archive
Another question is, what were you doing using dpkg when the laptop died ?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL P
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:41:01 -0800
"Michael K O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess I'm a bit nervous of the integrity of the status file. Is
> there any way to verify the status file?
Before you worry about verifying it, copy it somewhere else so you can
get back to it.
As another precau
More investigation into the matter: boot into single user mode ('linux single' at lilo
prompt) gets me in - does that help anybody?
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:10:11 -0800
Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio PCG-R505TSK ... wi
On Thursday 03 April 2003 05:13, mi wrote:
> Now there's a weakness, it seems.
> When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not,
> exits (no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron
> runs only if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjo
"Johannes" == Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johannes> Hello, I'm trying to install woody (bf 2.4) on my Vaio
Johannes> PCG-R505TSK ... with no success. After booting into the
Johannes> bootfloppy cd with 'linux ide2=0x180,0x386" (to makte
Johannes> the pcmcia c
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Gabor FLEISCHER wrote:
> Is there anyone who succeeded with KDE3, noflushd?
I don't run KDE3, but...
> I could set up my system to spin down the disks when I don't run KDE.
> But with KDE it always has some disk usage. I was searching in google, and I
> saw other people had t
This is quite possible, but it would imply that the installation carries over the boot
flags I set when booting into the netinstall ('ide2=0x180,0x386') - since I don't tell
the kernel anything (willingly) and have not set additional boot parameters during the
installation process (when asked fo
mi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now there's a weakness, it seems.
> When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not, exits
> (no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron runs only
> if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjobs will b
"Johannes" == Johannes Graumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johannes> This is quite possible, but it would imply that the
Johannes> installation carries over the boot flags I set when
Johannes> booting into the netinstall ('ide2=0x180,0x386') - since
Johannes> I don't tell the
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