ANN: Synaptics touchpad driver 0.11.3

2002-08-28 Thread Werner Heuser
Hi, a new issue of the XFree86 4.x driver for the Synaptics touchpad is available at The driver is programmed by Stefan Gmeiner. Werner Changes: Works with the two-dimensional scroll wheel. Features - Movement with adjustable, non-linear acceleration and s

Re: Install on X22 without floppy and cdrom

2002-08-28 Thread Dave Swegen
On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 05:34:31PM -0700, River Y. Liu wrote: > I ran LILO on /dev/hda2, which is my root partition. And I even could > boot from my desktop. But when I insert the hard disk back to the > laptop, the error appeared. Last night I installed windows 98. I thought > maybe the two machin

Re: Install on X22 without floppy and cdrom

2002-08-28 Thread Ivar Alm
At 10:04 2002-08-28, Dave Swegen wrote: On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 05:34:31PM -0700, River Y. Liu wrote: > I ran LILO on /dev/hda2, which is my root partition. And I even could > boot from my desktop. But when I insert the hard disk back to the > laptop, the error appeared. Last night I installed wi

Re: Asus L2D

2002-08-28 Thread Samuele Catusian
Hi Daniel, I own an L2460D, and about two months ago I wrote a page reporting my woody installation experience on it and I submitted the link on , but unfortunately the site doesn't seem to be updated so often :/ This notebook is working well for me: woody runs so fine; fo

Compag presario 1920

2002-08-28 Thread tran nguyen
Hi all ! Since few days, I've experienced strange behavior of my compaq laptop when swithing it on. The screen is completly dark but it seems that I can hear some boot activities (eg : HDD led light, peripherals checks..). Thus, assuming that it has booted, I did connect a monitor to it but ag


2002-08-28 Thread physilis
-- GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

RE: Sharp SPAM [ Special Price Offer f or Select Sharp Systems Products]

2002-08-28 Thread Kozikowski, Mark
Erich, Good comment. I too will ensure that Sharp products are not included in any future systems that I or the company that I work for design. Mark -Original Message- From: Erich Schubert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 12:33 PM To: debian-laptop@lists.debian.or

Re: Asus L2D

2002-08-28 Thread Werner Heuser
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:54:42AM +0200, Samuele Catusian wrote: .. > I own an L2460D, and about two months ago I wrote a page reporting > my woody installation experience on it and I submitted the link on > , but unfortunately the site doesn't seem to be > updat

Re: Asus L2D

2002-08-28 Thread Samuele Catusian
Werner Heuser wrote: > [omissis] Hi Samuele, I have tried to contact the owner of Linux on Laptops, but he seems very busy. As long as the situtation doesn't change I have started to provide Linux laptop links at , may I include a link to your site, too? Werner Of

Linux drivers for TI ACX100 (D-Link 650+)

2002-08-28 Thread Chris Jenkins
Greetings, I've only recently sub'd to this list, but after a few days of searching other google & assorted resources on the net I was wondering if anyone here may be able to suggest a rock I have not looked under yet. I'm trying to find info on the current state of development for the D-Link 650

Re: Linux drivers for TI ACX100 (D-Link 650+)

2002-08-28 Thread David Gardiner
Chris, This has been discussed on the sydney wireless group and to quote a guy from dlink Australia "Hi all, Please be noted release schedule of AirPlus Linux driver: DWL-650+ PCMCIA Card Beginning of December DWL-520+ PCI Card: Beginning of December DWL-900AP+ Access Point: Middle