Email address confirmation [Message ID: f0435]

2009-06-29 Thread Safety Alerts
You are registered to receive automated safety checks and recall notices for the following medications: Tricloryl is a free and secure service that monitors drug safety for over 500,000 Americans. will keep you informed about drug-drug and drug-disease interactions, safety a

ETAGE EXCLUSIVE - Mail Confirmation

2005-09-30 Thread Brigitte Verba. ETAGE EXCLUSIVE Director
OUT OF THE OFFICE REPLY >From the desk of Brigitte Verba, ETAGE EXCLUSIVE HOUSEKEEPING AWARDS: \'I am out of the office until Monday, Sept. 26th. 2005. In urgent cases please call 0043-(0)699-12732934.\' You may also wish to visit our ETAGE EXCLUSIVE Monthly Housekeeping Letters at the following

Your mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] requires confirmation

2005-07-05 Thread gradwell dot com
Hello. Your mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] requires your confirmation. To confirm that your mail is legitimate, simply click on this URL: Once you have confirmed this mail then you will never have to confirm any more mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED

MySQL posting confirmation for

2005-07-05 Thread MySQL Lists Automoderator
u have to do in order to have your original message sent is click on the following link (or cut-and-paste it to a browser): After we have received your confirmation, "" wil

your request Confirmation

2004-08-06 Thread Forrest Burr
GET your   U N IVE RSI T Y     D I PL0M A Do you want a prosperous future, increased earning powermore money and the respect of all? Cal1 this number: 206 -424- 1596 (anytime) There are no required tests, class e s,   books, or interviews! Get a   B a chelors, Masters,   M BA, and   D o ctorate (


2004-04-28 Thread webmaster
Protected message is attached. Service: Mail To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** Mail- Attachment: No suspicious Virus signatures *** LISTS.DEBIAN Anti Virus ***


2004-04-28 Thread webmaster
Protected message is attached. Service: Mail To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** Mail- Attachment: No suspicious Virus signatures *** LISTS.DEBIAN Anti Virus ***

Retour Mail de confirmation

2004-03-10 Thread
Madame, Monsieur, Vous nous avez envoyé un message en utilisant la touche "reply" ou "répondre" de votre logiciel de messagerie à partir de votre mail de confirmation. Les mails de confirmation sont gérés par un automate et ces messages ne sont donc pas traités. Pour o

Retour Mail de confirmation

2004-03-10 Thread
Madame, Monsieur, Vous nous avez envoyé un message en utilisant la touche "reply" ou "répondre" de votre logiciel de messagerie à partir de votre mail de confirmation. Les mails de confirmation sont gérés par un automate et ces messages ne sont donc pas traités. Pour o

E-mail removal confirmation

2002-11-03 Thread wbc
As per your request, this email is an automatic confirmation that your Email address has been removed from WorldBizClub mailing list.We regret any inconvenience caused. Thank

E-mail removal confirmation

2002-11-03 Thread wbc
As per your request, this email is an automatic confirmation that your Email address has been removed from WorldBizClub mailing list.We regret any inconvenience caused. Thank

Your Confirmation Required

2002-07-17 Thread Italyminutes
This message is to verify that you wish to have your email address: removed from the Italyminutes Subscribe Me mailing list. You MUST click on the link below to have your address removed from our list. This is to ensure that someone doesn't remove your address from