Please update debconf PO translation for the package gnome-menus 2.18.3-2

2007-07-17 Başlik Christian Perrier
Yesterday, I sent you a mail about translations for gnome-menus. I really apologize but that mail mentioned the package as "gnome-menu" while it should be "gnome-menus"...:-( If some of you already reported bugs with updated translations, please reassign the bug to "gnome-menus". That can be done

Please update debconf PO translation for the package gnome-menus 2.18.3-2

2007-07-17 Başlik Christian Perrier
Hi, The maintainers of the gnome-menu package plan adding a few entries to the "standard" GNOME menu (which is translated in GNOME, outside Debian), to split the Games submenu when needed. So, they added a Debian-specific directory for these strings. As these strings are close to some already us