Please update program translation for the package shadow 1:

2006-10-11 Başlik Christian Perrier
Hi, You are noted as the last translator of the program translation for the shadow Debian package. This package was part of Debian Installer level 5 and though it is no more counted in this level, it has reached a very good level of translation which, as package maintainer, I'd like to keep for t

RE: Please update program translation for the package shadow 1:

2006-10-11 Başlik Mehmet Türker
Updated Turkish translation file is attached. Mehmet Türker -Original Message- From: Christian Perrier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:40 AM To: Mehmet TURKER; Turkish Subject: Please update program translation for the package shadow 1: Hi, Yo