Re: Man dpkg in french

2012-07-29 Par sujet Christian PERRIER
Quoting Thomas Vincent ( > Bonjour, > > On 23/06/2012 07:42, Christian PERRIER wrote: > > En gros, si un volontaire veut s'en charger, il|elle est bienvenu(e). > > Comme tu t'en es déjà occupé, voici quelques propositions après > relecture du fichier à jour. Super. J'ai refu

Man dpkg in french

2012-06-22 Par sujet joachim martin
Hi all, I was just looking for some informations in the man pages for dpkg (yes sometimes I read the doc), and found out some parts of it are not translated for the french versions. I therefore noted down the parts which aren't translated and tried to do it myself and the resilt is the attached "