Re: Bits from the kernel team

2006-03-09 Par sujet Geoffroy Carrier
On 3/9/06, Thomas Huriaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Si ça intéresse quelqu'un, je ferai un switch propre à po4a. Je viens de le feuilleter, ca m'interesse pas mal de m'y attaquer. -- Geoffroy Carrier

Re: Bits from the kernel team

2006-03-09 Par sujet Thomas Huriaux
Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (09/03/2006): > > > Documentation > > ~ > > The Debian Linux kernel handbook [5] contains lots of information about > > the Debian Linux kernel packages, recommended procedures, and other > > Debian-specific kernel-related information. There you'l

Re: Bits from the kernel team

2006-03-08 Par sujet Christian Perrier
> Documentation > ~ > The Debian Linux kernel handbook [5] contains lots of information about > the Debian Linux kernel packages, recommended procedures, and other > Debian-specific kernel-related information. There you'll also find some > practical chapters like "Filing a bug against