Translations for the Debian web site unmaintained

2001-12-14 Par sujet Script watching translation state
Hello, This is an automatically generated mail sent to you because you are the official translator of some pages in French of the Debian web site. I sent you what I think you want. (i.e. what is in my DB). That is to say: summary: weekly logs: never diff: never tdiff: never file: n

ddts-script 0.4

2001-12-14 Par sujet Nicolas Bertolissio
Bonjour, le journal des modifications : version 0.4 - add: deal with non-script bug reports Le script essaie de créé un rapport au bon format avant de mélanger les rapports de relecture, il y a certainement un problème avec les descriptions courtes. La rustine est attachée, le script ici :