Bug#265756: kernel-image-2.6.7: funny caps-lock bug when logging in

2004-08-15 Thread Harald Dunkel
This is a feature, not a bug. In the early days of computing people used teletypers for interactive work. These devices had only upper case or only lower case letters. So if you enter your login name in upper case letters, it is assumed that you have only upper case. Teletypers were heavy character

Bug#265756: kernel-image-2.6.7: funny caps-lock bug when logging in

2004-08-14 Thread markus.riester
Subject: kernel-image-2.6.7: funny caps-lock bug when logging in Package: kernel-image-2.6.7-1-386 Version: 2.6.7-2 Severity: minor File: kernel-image-2.6.7 Step to reproduce: 1. goto tty5 for example 2. press capslock 3. type in your username -> PASSWORD: appears 4. press capslock 5. enter your