Bug#1063151: igb: unpredictable interface names for four port nic

2024-02-05 Thread Vaclav Ovsik
Package: src:linux Version: 6.1.69-1 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, I have unpredictable interface names with I350 (driver igb) with four ports. The net card is currently not used, so I can do: kory:~# modprobe -r igb; modprobe igb debug=16; sleep 0.2; dmesg |tail -n 29 [236460.731486] ig

Bug#684213: linux-image-3.5-trunk-amd64: e1000e 82579LM [8086:1502] does not link up

2013-04-18 Thread Vaclav Ovsik
Package: src:linux Version: 3.8.5-1~experimental.1 Followup-For: Bug #684213 Dear Maintainer, I found this bug-report while searching for my occasional problems with ethernet after the kernel upgrade to a version from experimental, and it is possible my problems has the same roots as this report.

Bug#494800: linux-image-2.6.26-1-686: usb-storage broken, media size not detected

2008-08-12 Thread Vaclav Ovsik
Package: linux-image-2.6.26-1-686 Version: 2.6.26-2 Severity: important Hi, today I found my flash disks stopped working with linux 2.6.26. Attached are kernel messages with kernel 2.6.25 - ok and with 2.6.26 for the same USB flash disk. I tried to google for similar problems, and found this: http