Bug#736682: works!

2014-02-20 Thread Samuel Orr
PREEMPT RT Debian 3.12.9-1+rt1 from people.debian.org works fine for me. Thank you, it was real nice to go out of your way to provide a fix, and help us test that it works!

Bug#736682: 3.12 rt amd64 boot problem

2014-02-19 Thread Samuel Orr
Boot hangs for me right after selecting the option from grub, the system will not respond and needs to be hard rebooted. Please ask if and how you need me to supply more debugging information.

Bug#734370: btrfs lockup with 3.12 RT kernel

2014-01-27 Thread Samuel Orr
Hi, I can confirm this problem as well. It shows up most often when I try to do anything using aptitude (even hitting "tab" to list packages) causes my system to hard lock. I can still interact with running programs but anything that requires disk i/o will not happen, including running sync.