Bug#1009106: Also affects nfs-idmapd.service in Debian 12.7

2024-08-31 Thread Athanasius
un/ path. Editing /etc/nfs.conf to have the /var/... path allows rpc.idmapd to start correctly. So, it looks like the nfs-common nfs.conf needs updating, and of course an update pushed out to ensure that all users *get* that change as well. -- - Athanasius (he/him) = Athanasius(at)miggy.org /

Bug#524610: Where is 1.2.2-5 ?

2011-04-11 Thread Athanasius
Squeeze still shows 1.2.2-4 as current and sid is based on 1.2.3 now. -- - Athanasius = Athanasius(at)miggy.org / http://www.miggy.org/ Finger athan(at)fysh.org for PGP key "And it's me who is my enemy. Me who beats me up. Me who makes the monsters. Me