I just installed kdevelop on my potato machine and have a problem
with the help system. kdevelop-setup tells me that it cannot find htsearch
and therefor not create the index for the documentation.
htdig is installed and the search function from KDE works just fine - it
seems like kdevelop cannot
I solved the problem with the cpp-reference, thanks a lot.
Does anyone have a solution for the htsearch problem of kdevelop?
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I recently installed kpackage from debian/testing. When I tried to start
kpackage it crashes. I figured out that if I install rpm (which is currently
only recommended) it works fine. Is this a bug or have I done anything wrong?
Nikolaus Regnat
I've a problem with the child panel (kde 2.1.1). Every applet (e.g
newsticker) I add to a child panel isn't stored - I have to re-add it every
time I restart KDE. What's wrong with it?
What's the proper way to get flash running with konqueror? I tried the
following: jre1.3 (from blackdown), the flash files copied to the
/usr/lib/netscape/plugin dir. Konqueror setup found the plugins (after
scanning), but flash still doesn't work. What's the problem with it? Flash
with Netscap
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I'm experiencing some problems concerning knewsticker (KDE 2.1.2) - the
german Umlauts don't work. The character set is iso8859-1 - everywhere else
the german umlauts are displayed. Is this a bug in knewsticker?
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Ok, here wo go:
This is from the (famous) german computer magazine.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
I'm using KDE2.2beta1-3 and was wondering why noatun always crashes at
startup. Is this a known problem or is something wrong with my system?
Backtrace gives (don't know if this is very useful):
0x40d46f89 in wait4 () from /lib/libc.so.6
#0 0x40d46f89 in wait4 () from /lib/libc.so.6
I'm missing mp3 ripping support in Konqueror (Audio IOslave) in KDE 2.2beta1.
I know that kdebase was compiled without it because of patent issues.
Therefor I want to compile kdebase for myself, including mp3 ripping
support. What do I have to do to accomplish this? What do I have to add i
> Use ogg vorbis, it's free & better ;)
That's not what I'm asked for ;-)
Hi, I'm trying to get Flash working with Konqueror (2.2.1). I copied the
files (ShockwaveFlash.class, libflashplayer.so) to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
Konqueror detected the plugins (they appear in Settings->Netscape
Plugins->Plugins) but everytime I try to access a Flash site the annoying
So what did you do?? I can't figure out why mozilla works but konqi doesn't!!
Flash doesn't work at all. Any ideas?
I installed not the libqt2-gl package, so this can not be the reason. Anyway
konqui does not crash (as explained on http://www.konqueror.org/faq.html) I
just shows no Flash at all.
My version of Flash is the same as yours (5.0 r47) and I have copies in the
same directories. However, Flash does not work. So maybe I have to use
Mozilla from now
I'm using kadressbook (from kdebase 2.2.2-13) and I'm having Problems to
import a list I just created and exported. Kadressbook just imports nothing
after I selected the addressbook.csv file. Am I doing anything wrong or is
this feature broken?
Another question: Why does KDE have two adress man
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I always wondered why it is not possible to mount filesystems in konqueror
file manager. I would be great if you could mount a filesystem with 2 clicks
(e.g. right-click on the filesystem->mount).
Currently you have to mount using the konsole or cli
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>Create an icon for a device in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/dirtree/ or just
>drag it in the konqueror navigation bar (where the directory tree is).
>*bong*, you have a "mount" option via RMB and you can access it from within
This is nice,
When I try to write a *really* long line of text in a linux forum (link
provided below) konqueror freezes. This is very strange - any ideas?
Nikolaus Regnat <
I wondered if there is a way to configure konqueror to change to a split view
if a ftp:// link is opened.
Nikolaus Regnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GnuPG Fingerprint: ECC0 9FAC 3897 B630 ACF5 02F9 455E B1D1 D63F 3492
er of each window, you see a radio-button kind of button. One of them
> > is green. This is the active window. You can now drag-and-drop between a
> > ftp site and a local dir.
> >
> > Freek
> >
> > On Monday 28 January 2002 15:56, Regnat Nikolaus wrote:
> &g
I'm using the unofficial debs of KDE 3.0.2 and encountered a problem
regarding the printing configuration. When I start the KDE Control Center ->
Printing Manager I get the following Error: client-error-not-found
Can someone tell me what's wrong with that?
kcmshell printmgr says: (maybe this he
On Friday 30 August 2002 17:48, Tom Badran wrote:
> On Friday 30 Aug 2002 2:53 pm, Johannes Wilm wrote:
> > I've put your packages upt http://folk.uio.no/johannwi/kde3.1-beta1
> >
> > måndagen den 26 augusti 2002 22.23 skrev Karolina:
> > >You can look in:
> > >http://cgi.algonet.se/htbin/cgiwr
On Friday 29 November 2002 10:44, Manegold wrote:
> Hallo list,
> I use debian woody with KDE 3.04 and I can't get anti-aliasinig to work.
> The checkbox has no effect. When I preview a font (TT or Type1) with the
> Font installer in KControl-Center, the font is displayed with
> anti-aliasing, but
> Hi,
> What version of QT does work well with debian and kde 3.0.5? Any URL about
> recompile QT to get anti-aliasing?
> Thanks,
> Albert
> Regnat Nikolaus dijo:
> > On Friday 29 November
I`ve installed the latest KDE woody debs from
http://ktown.kde.org/~nolden/kde/woody/i386 and encountered some problems:
The upgrade from KDE 3.0.5a debs did not work for me, I had to remove the kde
stuff completely and install the new debs afterwards.
Sound is not working (correctly).
> Sound is not working (correctly). If I try to play a mp3 file from noatun
> it takes ages for noatun to start up and the track is almost not to be
> heard (because of many disturbances). If I use xmms with xmmsarts the track
> is played without any trouble.
> The system sounds are not played, e
I'd like to thank Ralf for his great work on the KDE 3.1 debian packages. I've
encountered one small problem regarding noatun. The mp3 playback seems not to
work correctly (at least on my system - maybe someone can verify this).
noatun spills out the track with many errors. Playback of wav
> Sorry I don't quite remember what the package is called but there is a
> special mpeg player package for arts that you need. libarts-mpeg or
> something like that.
The package is called libarts1-mpeglib. I had already installed it (without it
noatun cannot play back mp3's at all). Seems like th
I'm using Ralfs KDE 3.1 debs for woody (thanks for the great work!) and
wondered where the libqt3-emb packages are. Obviously they where not
backported from sid. Do I have to compile them for myself or will you (Ralf?)
provide them (later)?
If I have to compile them myself, are there any t
I'm using Ralfs KDE 3.1 debs for woody (thanks for the great work!) and
wondered where the libqt3-emb packages are. Obviously they where not
backported from sid. Do I have to compile them for myself or will someone
(Ralf?) provide them (later)?
If I have to compile them myself, are there a
> Noatun is now starting, but playing still no sound. There is still no
> system sound.
Did you install the package libarts1-audiofile? Only after I installed this
package the system sounds worked.
@Ralf: Maybe there should be a dependancy from libarts1->libarts1-audiofile to
play at least the
Maybe you are using the nvidia driver? I got similar problems when I was using
it (some time ago).
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