Excuse me, I am very newbie on that. I want to use Leafnode with Knode to
read the News offline.
However I don't know how to make it, can somebody help me?
I use during many hours the GIMP. The GIMP uses the shortcurts ALT+TAB or
CTRL+TAB to change layers.
KDE2 uses ALT+TAB that I find very useful, but CTRL+TAB also uses to change
the desktop that isn't useful for me. To change the desktop I already have
enough me with CTRL+F1, F2, etc.
In the Cont
A Dissabte 21 Abril 2001 01:13, John Dalbec va escriure:
> Has any progress been made towards allowing the user to change the default
> paper size? I get tired of changing it from A4 to US letter every time I
> want to print something.
> Thanks,
> John
Look at the file /etc/papersize. Just change
Ivan, I feel that for some people this can be useful if it's installed for
Add an entry for Searching Debian Packages on the Konqueror's Enhanced
Debian Sid packages on the Search URL tab:
Seems to be not avalaible in sid and testing.
I found this:
The problem is that these images are from 20th november and I think that KDE
2.2.2 are not available on this day.
I sincerelly appreciate if someone can indicate me where can I find cd images
more updated.of Debian Sid?
A Diumenge, 7 de març de 2010 18:08:40, Diederik de Haas va escriure:
> Hello all,
> Before upgrading to KDE 4.4.1 I had a scripted image (weather for next 48
> hours from yr.no which got refreshed every 30 min.
> After the upgrade, it didn't work so I tried to add it again. When looking
A Dissabte, 11 de setembre de 2010 00:52:42, Mark Purcell va escriure:
> All,
> I have uploaded the workinprogress digikam 1.4.0 to
> http://people.debian.org/~msp, built against the KDE SC 4.5 packages. I am
> happy for someone to upload these to qt-kde.d.n. The authoritive source
> for d
On Saturday 02 April 2011 13:02:46 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Hello,
> KDE Software Compilation 4.6.1 has been uploaded to
> http://qt-kde.debian.net/. Follow instructions on the homepage if you are
> considering to upgrade or install these packages.
Amazing work!!!
Can we remove hal sa
On Thursday 07 April 2011 15:45:42 Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
> Hi,
> Often when scrolling lines are mixed or have black boxes --and is
> complicated to edit code with programs such as Kate.
> The video card is "ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT]"
> with the "radeon" driver in /etc
On Thursday 07 April 2011 15:45:42 Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
> Hi,
> Often when scrolling lines are mixed or have black boxes --and is
> complicated to edit code with programs such as Kate.
> The video card is "ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT]"
> with the "radeon" driver in /etc
A Divendres, 17 de juny de 2011 19:16:27, Michael Schuerig va escriure:
> When I'm watching DVDs with vlc, at regular intervals an OSD popup
> appears. It looks similar to the volume popup, but has another icon that
> looks like a monitor. The same popup sometimes appears before the
> screensaver i
A Diumenge, 15 de gener de 2012 13:04:48, Beojan Stanislaus va escriure:
> I upgraded Qt to 4.8.0 from experimental, and found that applications using
> the raster graphics system (e.g. Klickety) failed to render correctly, and
> printed large numbers of BadDrawable X errors when started from Konso
A Diumenge, 24 de juny de 2012 21:32:29, Modestas Vainius va escriure:
> Hello,
> I have uploaded kdepim-runtime 4.8.4 to experimental (no kdepim itself
> yet). I never expected kdepim 4.4.11 (esp. kmail 1) to work with
> kdepim-runtime 4.8.4 but apparently, it does (at least for me). Therefore,
A Dilluns, 17 de setembre de 2012 16:01:13, Martin Steigerwald va escriure:
> If need be I will ask around at debian-kde for others to test the Digikam
> packages I uploaded with phonon-backend-vlc. Readers from debian-kde feel
> free to test my package builds and report your results. (No warran
As others have expressed on the list, I have build my own packages of KDE 4.10
rc3, first I based on current debian scripts and also took a look at the ubuntu
packages and got some missing stuff from there.
I just upgraded from current 4.8 packages from sid. I didn't upgrade all the
El Dilluns, 21 de gener de 2013, a les 11:30:31, Diane Trout va escriure:
> On Monday, January 21, 2013 00:34:29 Josep Febrer wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> Did you try building PyKDE4? That was the only kubuntu package I tried that
> didn't build from source for me.
El Dilluns, 21 de gener de 2013, a les 17:33:16, vau escriure:
> Other popular shared git repositories would be github or gitorious. I can
> make publically viewable repositories at work, but I'm not sure if that'd
> be useful enough.
Anyone know if github or gitorious can host a debian repository
El Dissabte, 26 de gener de 2013, a les 11:51:29, Martin Steigerwald va
> Thank you.
> Care to upload your packages somewhere? I can understand if you do not like
> as people may think you will support them then.
> No urgency from my side, but I´d love to try KDEPIM 2 meanwhile, ca
El Dissabte, 26 de gener de 2013, a les 12:03:03, Martin Steigerwald va
> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013 schrieb Josep Febrer:
> Mesa 9.0.1 wouldn´t be an issue here, since I also built it, in order to
> test an intel gfx issue against latest fdo master git + some patch b
El Dissabte, 26 de gener de 2013, a les 12:03:03, Martin Steigerwald va
> Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013 schrieb Josep Febrer:
> > > Do you have the debian derived packages checked in to any public
> > > repository?
> >
> > Unfortunately not, but I hav
On Thursday 09 May 2013 19:00:38 David Baron wrote:
> I have the new kmail up and running.
> First questions:
> How do I import my old filters?
Have you exported them before?
If so you can reimport them via Settings -> Configure filters and there Import -
> Kmail filters.
Best regards,
El Diumenge, 17 de novembre de 2013, a les 13:09:02, David Baron va escriure:
> How do you get it to pair up? On the same WIFI.
> What protocols involved? Firewall?
It uses 1714 and 1764 ports not sure if tcp or udp.
Best regards,
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lists
A Divendres 09 Agost 2002 22:18, John Gay va escriure:
> choosing a window manager that
> didn't try to use excesive amounts of memory would yield much better
> results.
Try Equinox you can find at http://ede.sourceforge.net is the fastest desktop
that I have seen on Linux. I recommend you to try
Here are the the KDE 3.0.4 packages for Power PC:
deb http://bulmalug.net/~primetime/kde3 powerpc/
L I N U X .~.
The Choice /V\
Just copy the files rpnp.so and raclass.zip that probably are on
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins-libc6 to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
And on the KDE Control Center search for Netscape plugins.
L I N U X .~.
A Dijous 31 Octubre 2002 22:12, Sean Fraley va escriure:
> How do I change the color of KDM? The default gray is ugly and I really
> would like to be able to change it, but I can't seem to find where.
You need to change the colors of the root user.
A Dimarts 05 Novembre 2002 22:50, Anders E. Andersen va escriure:
> the kbatt libraries are installed in
> /usr/local/kde/libs
That's the problem the standard debian kde packages are on /usr not
/usr/local. You can solve this on the configure with prefix, like this:
./configure --prefix=/us
A Diumenge 01 Desembre 2002 16:17, Robert Tilley va escriure:
> I was renaming mp3 files on jukebox (a USB hard drive) and needed to be
> root to do this. How can I open an application (such as KRename) with root
> priveleges from an ordinary user account?
you can use kdesu krename
Or if you pre
A Dilluns 03 Febrer 2003 17:10, Olaf Stetzer va escriure:
> Hello list,
> Deleting
> files on smb: shares or even copying files to a smb-share
> does not work.
Try to patch your samba with this patch, worked to me with samba from stable:
A Dimecres 12 Febrer 2003 11:12, Michael Thaler va escriure:
> Hello,
> I am using KDE3.1 from Debian SID and I wonder how I can set up
> konqueror to display Quicktime Movies from
> e.g. http:/www.apple.com/trailsers.
Try to install mplayer from:
and later kmplayer fro
Another option is to install qapt-deb-installer instead of gdebi, I think it
even has plasma notifications.
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El Dimarts, 14 de juliol de 2015, a les 19:49:11, Michael Schuerig va
> I think we're talking about two different things. I know that you get a
> process viewer out of the box when pressing Ctrl-Esc. That's not what I
> want. I'm trying to rebind it to launch KSysGuard proper with my ow
El Dimecres, 15 de juliol de 2015, a les 19:47:33, Michael Schuerig va
> How would I know what the packages in question are?
Best regards,
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...
El Dissabte, 15 d'agost de 2015, a les 16:35:10, Volker Christian va escriure:
> Hello,
> i am on debian-sid and my last update with breeze on hold was eight days
> ago. Today i did a "apt-get upgrade", still with breeze on hold. After the
> upgrade kwin crashes so i set the breeze packages to u
El Dimecres, 2 de desembre de 2015, a les 20:05:12, Luc Castermans va
> Dear,
> I am running Plasma5 Testing/Sid since quite some months, as reported to
> this list. I regularly (<= weekly) update my packages.
> Since a few weeks after/during login it takes long time (approx. 1 min
El divendres, 25 de març de 2016, a les 12:40:13 CEST, Borden Rhodes va
> I just discovered that Konqueror has been saving passwords in
> .kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl even though the rest of my KDE
> installation is updated to KF5. I want to know what passwords have
> been store
El dissabte, 5 de novembre de 2016, a les 9:08:36 CET, Valerio Passini va
> Hello to everyone,
> I have done the usual update to the latest packages (I'm on Sid) since I
> have seen that the last uploads fullfilled the requirement to not uninstall
> major programs of my kde installati
El diumenge, 6 de novembre de 2016, a les 0:59:07 CET, Diederik de Haas va
> On zaterdag 5 november 2016 20:25:32 CET Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> > > If so, that is/was your problem and you'll likely have various qt5
> > > package
> > > at version 5.7.1~20161021+dfsg-N.
> > > Downgrade
El diumenge, 8 d’abril de 2018, a les 2:07:45 CEST, Lisandro Damián Nicanor
Pérez Meyer va escriure:
> Beware when you upgrade! :-)
Great news!
Thank you for great work!
Have a great day,
I've seen that on Sid there are packages from Libreoffice 6.1 RC2, which
includes the new package libreoffice-kde5 which provides a really good
integration with the Plasma Desktop.
It includes the widget style and the KDE file open/save dialog and they work
Thank you for your work Rene!
Best regards,
El dilluns, 23 de juliol de 2018, a les 20:27:29 CEST, Rene Engelhard va
> Hi,
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 05:11:48PM +0200, Josep Febrer wrote:
> > I've seen that on Sid there are packages from Libreo
El dimecres, 25 de juliol de 2018, a les 13:32:53 CEST, Lisandro Damián
Nicanor Pérez Meyer va escriure:
> We are about to start the Qt 5.11.1 transition, so as usual beware when
> updating your packages.
> Cheers!
Great news!
Thank you for work!
Best regards,
El dimecres, 1 d’agost de 2018, a les 1:00:28 CEST, Lisandro Damián Nicanor
Pérez Meyer va escriure:
> If you upgraded and found that KMail is not showing the message bodies don't
> worry, please wait some more hours for the new kf5-messagelib upload.
> Found the bug upstream and Maxy pointed m
El divendres, 7 de setembre de 2018, a les 16:18:16 CEST, local10 va escriure:
> Sep 7, 2018, 8:06 AM by mar...@lichtvoll.de:
> > > After adding System Tray it definitely looks better than how it worked
> > > before. It would> >
> > > be nice if it was possible to change/increase the size of Cli
Another option can be Strawberry Music Player as it's description says "It is
a fork of Clementine released in 2018 aimed at music collectors".
You can find it at:
And download debian packages here:
Best regards,
El dimarts, 12
Hi Andreas,
El dilluns, 1 de juliol de 2019, a les 14:30:52 CEST, Andreas v. Heydwolff va
> Not with powerdevil directly, but powerdevil depends on upower, and my
> only clue was the systemd log:
> "upowerd[15367]: /usr/lib/upower/upowerd: error while loading shared
> libraries: lib
El dijous, 22 d’agost de 2019, a les 11:10:19 CEST, Martin Steigerwald va
> Clementine was quite okayish with me.
> But I had two issues with it:
> 1) Sometimes after resuming a song I paused before the audio playback
> was strangely distorted
> 2) And a minor cosmetic one: The
A Dimarts 29 Juliol 2003 00:10, Chris Cheney va escriure:
> Hehe, my spam filter is fairly decent (SpamAssassin) but it appears I
> need a virus scanner as well, around 200 windows virus emails in my
> inbox :\
You can use the Clam Antivirus:
Also there are debian package
A Dimecres 30 Juliol 2003 14:07, Stephan Hachinger va escriure:
> Hi!
> Since I've updated kde to 3.1.3 (woody system), the real player
> plugin (real player ver 8.0) doesn't work anymore - it doesn't show
> up at all when it should. With konqueror 3.1.2, everything was fine;
> with mozilla, it's
A Divendres 03 Octubre 2003 15:33, Ricardo Galli va escriure:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing something very strange with KDE/Qt. Accented characters don't
> work in konqueror, konsole, kate... etc. (but they do in kmail, for
> example).
> It's even more strange that if I start any of those programs fro
A Divendres 03 Octubre 2003 15:33, Ricardo Galli va escriure:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing something very strange with KDE/Qt. Accented characters don't
> work in konqueror, konsole, kate... etc. (but they do in kmail, for
> example).
> It's even more strange that if I start any of those programs fro
A Dissabte 15 Maig 2004 12:24, Cajus Pollmeier va escriure:
> Any news here? The sound output really destroys the complete music :-(
> Self compiling mpeglib with -O0 helped for me, but the configure stuff
> seems to have several O2's hardcoded. I did a "perl -pi -e 's/-O2/-O0/eg'
> *" in every d
A Divendres 17 Setembre 2004 16:21, Linus McCabe va escriure:
> I also downloaded Knoppix and booted it, there the menues were fast also on
> this computer, so it has to be some kind of configuration/building error
> somewhere... (See below for x11perf comparsion between debian boot and
> knoppix b
A Dimecres 13 Juliol 2005 14:51, Joerg Reckers va escriure:
> Using Kpdf 0.4.1 in KDE 3.4.1 from Aloith
> When i open any .pdf-file i would like kpdf to show it fitted to Page
> Width. Is there any option to put in my kpdfrc to get this behavior? Or
> anything else to do?
It's a bug that will be
A Dijous 14 Juliol 2005 15:00, Derek Broughton va escriure:
> I didn't analyze the patch to see if it fixes this problem as a side
> effect, but this bug doesn't address document display, it's about getting
> KPDF to use the window size it had when it was last closed.
> --
> derek
I tried the pat
A Dilluns 08 Agost 2005 15:20, serja va escriure:
Another option is to use ivman, on http://ivman.sourceforge.net/, which is a
HAL frontend that can automatically mount devices and start some programs
when you insert a dvd or and audiocd, etc.
A Dimarts 25 Juliol 2006 13:26, Michael Schuerig va escriure:
> Since some recent update or configuration change on my part, the KDE
> print preview is broken on my system. The preview window shows up, but
> it only contains the "Print" and "Cancel" buttons at 2/3 window height
> (horizontal positi
A Dimecres 26 Juliol 2006 12:02, Joerg de la Haye va escriure:
> Maybe you haven't got kghostview installed or your system is configured to
> view PS files with kpdf instead of kghostview? Check your file associations
> for PS files (and beware of the embeddded view tab). I had a problem with
> pri
A Divendres 28 Juliol 2006 23:25, Gerrit Jan Baarda va escriure:
> Hmm
> I tried creating a fresh user account and logged in as this user. For this
> user there is the same effect. No problems with firefox and other programs,
> but konqueror cannot connect with http{s} to any local IP addres.
A Dijous 01 Març 2007, Cédric Boutillier va escriure:
> Are there any special tricks to make configuration of DAAP easier with
> Amarok ? Thanks in advance.
Hi Cedric,
I just installed the package mt-daapd and on the file /etc/mt-daapd.conf i
just edited the parameters: mp3_dir to point to m
A Thursday 31 January 2008, Benjamí Villoslada va escriure:
> I've installed, required by dependencies, the kde-icons-oxygen packet in
> one recent dist-upgrade (Sid)
> But I can't see some Oxygen icons, i.e. trash
> (/usr/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/places/user-trash.png) after the «oxygen»
> selec
A Dimarts 01 Abril 2008, Ana Guerrero va escriure:
> Hi,
> KDE 4.0.3 will be released tomorrow, but it won't be upload to Debian.
> Instead, we, the KDE packagers, have started to work directly on KDE 4.1.
> We are currently uploading packages to experimental with a trunk snapshot
> from KD
I just recommend you using Oxygen-Molecule instead of gtk-qt-engine, you can
get it here:
Have a great day,
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with a su
A Dimarts, 16 de juny de 2009 07:38:22, ely...@gmail.com va escriure:
> I just noticed and installed iceweasel-libnotify, in hopes of making
> Iceweasel's notifications use the KDE notification system. To my dismay,
> I am instead presented with gnome-style notifications which look more
> out of pl
I don't know if this is the appropiate place to discuss objprelink problems
with KDE, but if someone can help me I apreciate it a lot.
I tried to build KDE 2.2.2 from the Debian sources generating binary
packages compiled with objprelink and optimizations for 686.
I get objprelink form:
A Dissabte 16 Març 2002 16:18, Jean-Michel Kelbert va escriure:
I compiled all the KDE 2.2.2 on a Debian woody with objprelink two weeks ago.
The result was that when KDE starts all segfaults. From icewm the only
application than run without any problems was konsole, konq starts very fast
and th
A Dimecres 10 Abril 2002 07:51, MadCoder va escriure:
> Do you will published the scripts to debianize KDE3.0 so that every one
> could build his own packages, until they come into sid ?
I also agree this.
Calc where do you publish the kde3 debs?
On http://people.debian.org/~ccheney or on the ftp
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