Re: Semi-official KDE SC 4.4.1 available (external repository)

2010-03-06 Thread Edward Shornock
05.03.2010 04:45, Modestas Vainius kirjoitti: Hello, if you are interested in upgrading to KDE SC 4.4.1 and giving developers some feedback about packaging quality, check . The only "problem" that I ran into was one that a few have mentioned already: I did the upgrad

breeze task switcher crash (sid)

2022-10-29 Thread Edward Shornock
Hi, I haven't seen my problem reported on the list yet and haven't found any applicable bug reports. Debian Sid Plasma: 5.26.0 Frameworks: 5.98.0 Qt: 5.15.6 X11 Nvidia Legacy driver: 390.154-2 kernel: 6.0.0-2-amd64 kwin crashes when I press ALT+Tab with the Breeze task switcher enabled.

Re: KDE/Frameworks/Plasma/Apps + QT from experimental

2024-08-03 Thread Edward Shornock
Sedat Dilek kirjoitti 22.7.2024 klo 11.49 ap.: KDE/apps partly from experimental like konsole - akonadi/kmail etc. still works but from unstable. The upgrade was mostly done manually - some QT packages were required from unstable. I have done the upgrade to Plasma from experimental and every

Re: Some feedback on KDE6 install

2024-08-31 Thread Edward Shornock
Eric Valette kirjoitti 19.8.2024 klo 11.00 ap.: However when I logged in, the screen went back, stay so for one minute or so and then I was back to sddm prompt. So I though some pacage where missing and did an experimental upgrade from console login. I saw that some packages like dokphin, kw

Re: Merkuro Calendar and Contact do not start

2024-10-06 Thread Edward Shornock
Martin Steigerwald kirjoitti 6.10.2024 klo 10.08 ip.: Hi. Does not want to start: I found this bug: The patchelf commands in comment 5 fixed it for me. % LANG=C.UTF-8 merkuro-calendar QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/main