Jessie KDE 4.8. extremely slow start

2013-06-21 Thread debmailist
Setup: clean minimal Jessie install + aptitude install xorg kde-plasma-desktop KDE loading procedure is extremely slow (~5 min). On splash screen the harddrive icon pops up immediately but then the rest of the icons won't show up for the next few minutes (and the last K-icon even longer). When de

Re: Jessie KDE 4.8. extremely slow start

2013-06-21 Thread Facundo Aguilera
Please try the following. After splash screen, run dolphin. Then, before it starts, run 'killall kded4' (it can be executed from the kde menu). Tell me if it starts dolphin immediatelly. Facu On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 6:47 PM, wrote: > Setup: clean minimal Jessie install + aptitude install xorg