Error starting second X session after Xorg upgrade

2006-07-24 Thread David Jarvie
Until I upgraded Xorg a couple of weeks ago, I was able to use the command startx -e /opt/kde3.5/bin/startkde -- :1 to start up a second KDE X session while KDE was running on the first X display. Since the upgrade, X starts up but immediately fails with the error xterm: bad command line op

No audio support

2006-07-24 Thread Markus Petermann
Hello, I have a problem with the audio output of KDE 3.5.3 (the KDE version currently used by Debian Etch Testing): There is absolutely no sound output. After the first launch of KDE I got a pop-up with the error message: "Sound server information message: Error while initializing sound driver:

Re: No audio support

2006-07-24 Thread D. Michael 'Silvan' McIntyre
On Monday 24 July 2006 6:19 pm, Markus Petermann wrote: > "Sound server information message: > Error while initializing sound driver: > device: default can't be opened for playback (No such device) Your ALSA bits look OK, and you have a standard chipset that's common a dirt, so there are not lik

Re: No audio support

2006-07-24 Thread Vic Koci
Hi All. I had a similar problem and couldn't find a fix, until i looked into AUMIX and found that the volume, speaker and line1 were turned down to 0 So i just turned them up to about 75%, saved the settings then rebooted and presto i had sound. Markus Petermann wrote: Hello, I have a pro