kdm & X Problem

2003-12-01 Thread Robert Tilley
For reference I run Debian unstable. kdm no longer functions for me and I am forced to startx manually upon login and am then limited to KDE. As root I have tried the following with no results. I explicitly choose kdm when the dialog appears. debian-rtg:/home/tilleyrw# dpkg-reconfigure kdm

RFC: Create d-user-woody, d-user-sarge maillists, deactivate d-user

2003-12-01 Thread Hereon
Since many questions in the debian-kde list are user oriented questions, I thought it would be helpful to the Debian community to ensure the readers here aware of the following message I just sent to the debian-user list. RFC: Create d-user-woody, d-user-sarge maillists, deactivate d-user http://l