Re: Exim config

2003-10-29 Thread Stephen Gran
uld be welcomed. I'd take a look at the aliasfile driver - you can have a file set up similar to /etc/aliases, and redirect those addresses. -- - | ,''`.

Re: Exim4 and mailman

2003-11-07 Thread Stephen Gran
to Exim4, I thought I would give this method a try, and it's working great. The only problem with this method isthat you don't get virtual domain settings, I suppose. Can anybody see any other problems with it? -- --

Re: Reverse dns?

2004-01-01 Thread Stephen Gran does not exist, try again So your server knows howto handle the queries, but the root nameservers yet directing requests your way. -- - | ,''`.

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-10 Thread Stephen Gran
4-01-10 22:44:24 1AfWWV-dc-Rh Completed And the bounce goes to me with the text noted. I don't know what your MTA allows, but this works here. HTH, -- ----- | ,''`.

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-11 Thread Stephen Gran
than a bounce. Back to the drawing board. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |

Re: Jesus Help Me !

2004-01-12 Thread Stephen Gran
- especially about qmail ), but please let's try to keep the signal-to-noise up a little bit. Just keeping the noise going, -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Announce: Domain Technologie Control 0.12.0 R1

2004-01-13 Thread Stephen Gran
age. Hopefully include links to the work you've already done, so as to avoid too much duplication of effort. has many more details about this sort of thing. HTH, -- - | ,''`.

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-14 Thread Stephen Gran
n any technical has, but some companies may be turned off by that. On the other hand, since Debian is not for profit, it seems to me unlikely that it will dissappear out from under you because it is not making a profit, as RedHat has. So long as there are interested people, it wi

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-18 Thread Stephen Gran
man make-kpkg for details - it's really pretty straightforward. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user,

Strabge LDAP problem

2004-03-23 Thread Stephen Gran
for indexing options and cache size, but that's about it. The ACL's are the stock ones, so I really don't know what's falling over here. Anybody have any ideas what to debug next? TIA, -- - | ,'

Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-23 Thread Stephen Gran
to do the logic for sendmail. TIA, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
use a locally extended one in our schema. I don't see how this could make a difference, though. Thanks for the help, -- - | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
This one time, at band camp, Kris Deugau said: > Stephen Gran wrote: > > I think I'm being dense, but I can't figure out how to do something > > like the following in /etc/mail/access: > > > > OK # front-end machine 1 > >

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
. Will try again. Thanks, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
ize of the nscd cache, or something screwy like that? Not sure where else to go with this now. Thanks again, -- ----- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-25 Thread Stephen Gran
have tried the bat book,, etc. but I don't see what I am looking for anywhere. Thanks all, -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-25 Thread Stephen Gran
pare box next week or so - I will post back with the test results. Thanks a lot. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAI

Re: clamd with amavis on Postfix

2004-04-06 Thread Stephen Gran
ld last a little longer. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |

Sendmail, LDAP, and authinfo

2004-04-12 Thread Stephen Gran
ally since LDAP is already in place. It's easier to maintain one database than two. TIA, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail, LDAP, and authinfo

2004-04-12 Thread Stephen Gran
s thinking it might make more sense to do direct queries, instead of the abstraction - but if that's what there is, it looks easy enough. Thanks, -- - | ,''`.

Re: e-mail for multiple domains

2004-05-01 Thread Stephen Gran
passwd file is harder to do once you have to spread it out over several machines. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'D

Re: Catchall for Exim 3.35

2004-05-01 Thread Stephen Gran
can't remember if lsearch* is in exim3 or not, though) -- - | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and

Re: hardware/optimizations for a download-webserver

2004-07-19 Thread Stephen Gran
rse real internet travel adds some latency, but that's not the point - the NIC is not the bottleneck, bandwidth is in the OP's question. -- - | ,''`.

Re: spamassassin memory leak bug with bayes

2004-07-23 Thread Stephen Gran
library. objdump is often helpful in these settings - it will pick up something like an rpath easily. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: ssh and root logins

2004-08-10 Thread Stephen Gran
ou have to take this kind of chance, I think - I'm not sure how else to proceed. I do like the idea of your script - it takes things one step further than I have. TTYL, -- - | ,''`.

Re: ssh and root logins

2004-08-10 Thread Stephen Gran
This one time, at band camp, Stephen Gran said: > This one time, at band camp, Bernard Blackham said: > > This lets the backup key *only* run rsync in server mode. I > > /believe/ this means that (short of finding a buffer overflow in > > rsync) logins with this ssh key will

managing syslog

2004-08-27 Thread Stephen Gran
from tearing hair out? Thanks, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-

Re: managing syslog

2004-08-28 Thread Stephen Gran
d now. Thanks again, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-

Re: Bug#276217: postfix: random SIGSEGV in smtp processes

2004-10-13 Thread Stephen Gran
lename Works nicely. Putting it in /usr/local/sbin makes it come first in root's default path, and has the advantage of being outside of regular user's path's so they can still 'apt-get source' without getting a permissi

Re: Secure Delivery between MTA and MDA

2004-10-14 Thread Stephen Gran
hey're just looking for an easy to push over machine, this layer of defense can be helpful. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Can we build a proper email cluster? (was: Re: Why is email so unreliable?)

2004-10-17 Thread Stephen Gran
im3 & 4, and sendmail. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'

Re: Exim conditions for attachments

2004-09-30 Thread Stephen Gran
but I forget and am too lazy to look right now :) -- - | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admi

Re: Exim conditions for attachments

2004-10-01 Thread Stephen Gran
/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz for this sort of thing. It makes all of these issues clear. > From: Stephen Gran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stephen Gran > This one time, at band camp, Craig Schneider said: > > Hi Guys > > > > I have wrtten a condition to check

Re: Limiting User Commands

2004-11-07 Thread Stephen Gran
#x27;m afraid. It looks to me like what you want is filesystem acl's or SELinux to totally lock things down, but others are going to be more helpful with those than I will. -- --------- | ,''`.

Re: Debian for ISP

2004-11-16 Thread Stephen Gran
It's not so much that you need to shut down slapd, as that you want to make sure that slapd is not doing _write_ operations, or you'll get inconsistent data. Since the vast majority of LDAP operations are read only, slapcat is generally fine. -- -

Re: Is gray-listing a one-shot anti-spam measure?

2004-12-03 Thread Stephen Gran
epending on your circumstances, I guess) are vanishingly small. Only a mechanism with a real queue runner would get more than a few successes, and those are the ones that should be whitelisted. -- - | ,''`.

Re: MySQL Max connections?

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Gran
d as not useful in context). HTH, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-

a couple of postfix questions

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Gran
are both big advocates of postfix, so I guess I am partly addressing this to you two, although feel no obligation to give free tech support :) Thanks all, -- - | ,''`.

Re: Suggestions for remote server monitoring

2005-01-04 Thread Stephen Gran
alert an admin of a problem (although it can alert via nagios). nagios lacks decent graphing tools, while munin makes pretty RRD-graphs. HTH, -- - | ,''`.

Re: Exim config

2003-10-29 Thread Stephen Gran
uld be welcomed. I'd take a look at the aliasfile driver - you can have a file set up similar to /etc/aliases, and redirect those addresses. -- - | ,''`.

Re: Exim4 and mailman

2003-11-07 Thread Stephen Gran
to Exim4, I thought I would give this method a try, and it's working great. The only problem with this method isthat you don't get virtual domain settings, I suppose. Can anybody see any other problems with it? -- --

Re: Reverse dns?

2004-01-01 Thread Stephen Gran does not exist, try again So your server knows howto handle the queries, but the root nameservers yet directing requests your way. -- - | ,''`.

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-11 Thread Stephen Gran
than a bounce. Back to the drawing board. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |

Re: Postfix-mysql-procmail

2004-01-10 Thread Stephen Gran
4-01-10 22:44:24 1AfWWV-dc-Rh Completed And the bounce goes to me with the text noted. I don't know what your MTA allows, but this works here. HTH, -- ----- | ,''`.

Re: Jesus Help Me !

2004-01-12 Thread Stephen Gran
- especially about qmail ), but please let's try to keep the signal-to-noise up a little bit. Just keeping the noise going, -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Announce: Domain Technologie Control 0.12.0 R1

2004-01-13 Thread Stephen Gran
ctive packages) pseudo-package. Hopefully include links to the work you've already done, so as to avoid too much duplication of effort. has many more details about this sort of thing. HTH, --

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-14 Thread Stephen Gran
n any technical has, but some companies may be turned off by that. On the other hand, since Debian is not for profit, it seems to me unlikely that it will dissappear out from under you because it is not making a profit, as RedHat has. So long as there are interested people, it wi

Re: Considering Debian (currently using Red Hat)

2004-01-18 Thread Stephen Gran
man make-kpkg for details - it's really pretty straightforward. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user,

Strabge LDAP problem

2004-03-23 Thread Stephen Gran
for indexing options and cache size, but that's about it. The ACL's are the stock ones, so I really don't know what's falling over here. Anybody have any ideas what to debug next? TIA, -- - | ,'

Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-23 Thread Stephen Gran
to do the logic for sendmail. TIA, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
use a locally extended one in our schema. I don't see how this could make a difference, though. Thanks for the help, -- - | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
This one time, at band camp, Kris Deugau said: > Stephen Gran wrote: > > I think I'm being dense, but I can't figure out how to do something > > like the following in /etc/mail/access: > > > > OK # front-end machine 1 > >

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
. Will try again. Thanks, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-

Re: Strange LDAP problem

2004-03-24 Thread Stephen Gran
ize of the nscd cache, or something screwy like that? Not sure where else to go with this now. Thanks again, -- ----- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-25 Thread Stephen Gran
have tried the bat book,, etc. but I don't see what I am looking for anywhere. Thanks all, -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail & access restrictions

2004-03-25 Thread Stephen Gran
pare box next week or so - I will post back with the test results. Thanks a lot. -- --------- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAI

Re: clamd with amavis on Postfix

2004-04-06 Thread Stephen Gran
ld last a little longer. -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |

Sendmail, LDAP, and authinfo

2004-04-12 Thread Stephen Gran
ally since LDAP is already in place. It's easier to maintain one database than two. TIA, -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :

Re: Sendmail, LDAP, and authinfo

2004-04-12 Thread Stephen Gran
s thinking it might make more sense to do direct queries, instead of the abstraction - but if that's what there is, it looks easy enough. Thanks, -- - | ,''`.

Re: e-mail for multiple domains

2004-05-01 Thread Stephen Gran
ge passwd file is harder to do once you have to spread it out over several machines. -- ----- | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'

Re: Catchall for Exim 3.35

2004-05-01 Thread Stephen Gran
can't remember if lsearch* is in exim3 or not, though) -- - | ,''`.Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and

Re: exim4 for virtual domains

2005-01-15 Thread Stephen Gran
ent that works for you. It can make it more difficult (except that there are usually snippets floating around for all the common uses), but it is also way more flexible. -- - | ,''`.

Re: exim4 for virtual domains

2005-01-15 Thread Stephen Gran
I correct in this? -- - | ,''`. Stephen Gran | | : :' :[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | `. `'Debian user, admin, and developer | |`-