Re: distributing SSH keys in a cluster environment

2004-10-29 Thread Blair Strang
Based on a cursory look at how FAI works, if you're worried about a 'laptop attack' -- i.e, an untrusted person with access to your network media -- I think there are more problems than just SSH keys. None of the tftp/dhcp/pxe stuff is really designed with security in mind. It seems to me that any

Re: suexec permissions

2005-01-10 Thread Blair Strang
nodata wrote: Good morning, I'm having a some permissions trouble with suexec running on Sarge. I have a virtualhost for a user called Bob which specifies User Bob and Group Bob in the /etc/apache/conf.d/bob.conf file. If I switch user to bob, and run ls -la on /, /var, /var/www, /var/www/bob I ca

Re: suexec permissions

2005-01-10 Thread Blair Strang
nodata wrote: Ah this would explain things more - but then shouldn't running http://website/cgi-bin/ work? I get the same search permissions error.. Er, yep, as far as I can see, it should. suEXEC can be a little... finicky :) What does /var/log/apache/suexec.log say? Ta, Blair. sign

Re: suexec permissions

2005-01-10 Thread Blair Strang
nodata wrote: nodata wrote: Ah this would explain things more - but then shouldn't running http://website/cgi-bin/ work? I get the same search permissions error.. Er, yep, as far as I can see, it should. suEXEC can be a little... finicky :) What does /var/log/apache/suexec.log say? Nothin

Re: suexec permissions

2005-01-10 Thread Blair Strang
nodata wrote: Done. chmod o+rx on: /var/www/bob /var/www/bob/htdocs /var/www/bob/cgi-bin then running a system("touch /tmp/blairtest") from cgi-bin/ creates a file with bob:bob permissions. The other thing to check is that your scripts are physically located under suEXEC's DOC_ROOT (/var

Re: Web-page based proxy service

2005-01-14 Thread Blair Strang
Peter Clark wrote: I would like to provide a proxy service that can be used only by accessing a web page. In other words, I don't want users to enter proxy details in their browser settings, but rather, if they want to go through a proxy, they can visit a webpage, enter a URL in a form, and