Nick Jennings wrote:
> It seems that you've had little experience with anything but sendmail,
> so you're opinion may be rather biased.
> I have used sendmail, exim, postfix and qmail and I think that exim and
> postfix are very good, high performance yet easily configurable and
> maintain
Mhm cant seem to find a file for allowed relay-from hosts on qmail such
as the one in sendmail i need (as everybody) to deny relaying from
everywhere but a well defined set of
Please, pretttyplease, prettypleasewithacherryontop help me!
Jaume Teixi wrote:
>one of my servers has problems sending mail to anothers: Connection Deferred
>its not a sendmail issue because telnetting the hosts at 25 also is blocked
>rblcheck doesn-t show any block for its ip
>other ips on same range are not blocked on that hosts
>it happens
Im not really experienced but I would say im trying to do the same thing
here. As of now, the globalfs's ( )
site has proved to be agood source of information, and also they have a
proposal for SAN that you
probably want to look at.
>1) What kind of netw
I think i bit my own tail on this one. Im pretty exited about this
SAN stuff but thats not at all what you meant...
its actually ocurred to me that it says NAS...hehe
Sorry for all the noise
Oh yeah, the proposal for a SAN is the globalfs itself combined with
neat par. scsi or fc s
Ive a client that wants to choos his radius platform. Despite my say
that its not that important and that a cistron/debian/Big Baad carrier
class hardware radius would more than take care of him (c'mon...its like
2000 users tops!), he still wants the lucent navis thingie. cant
blame him,
Freeside! Freeside!!
Not that i use it or anything, but it looks like a nice starting point
to an ISP that wants to build his own stuff
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey debisps and whatnot,
I need to migrate some mailboxes in standard mbox format from a solaris
box+sendmail to a Debian qmail+vpopmail solution
I had never seen this sendmail mbox format in this way (until i
stfw) im shure though, that youll immediatly recognize it:
El mié, 26-06-2002 a las 13:20, Erick Lopez Carreon escribió:
> Hello:
> I am looking for the best way to centralize passwords
> of my network, I need:
> - To centralize the access to the maquinas nix of the
> network, I have read something of NIS and of PAM to
> use shadow this I call pas
et all..
Or any tips would be appreciated (like "i use emacs and for
Alex Borges
Step One Group
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wow.tx a lot guys, thats a lot of very rich options i shouldve
posted it to slashdot too...:)
El lun, 01-07-2002 a las 16:41, Alex Borges escribió:
> Heyas debian zealots,
> Ive finnaly come to a point where i think im needing revision control
> for my configurat
Wide questionthis is refering to
If all can be done through webmin, then through webmin it is
El jue, 04-07-2002 a las 11:55, rj escribió:
> What is the best way to delegate some root privileges for a user
> which could only create e-mail accounts and make newaliases?
> --
Nick Jennings wrote:
It seems that you've had little experience with anything but sendmail,
so you're opinion may be rather biased.
I have used sendmail, exim, postfix and qmail and I think that exim and
postfix are very good, high performance yet easily configurable and
maintainable mail serv
El mié, 26-06-2002 a las 13:20, Erick Lopez Carreon escribió:
> Hello:
> I am looking for the best way to centralize passwords
> of my network, I need:
> - To centralize the access to the maquinas nix of the
> network, I have read something of NIS and of PAM to
> use shadow this I call pass
et all..
Or any tips would be appreciated (like "i use emacs and for
Alex Borges
Step One Group
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wow.tx a lot guys, thats a lot of very rich options i shouldve
posted it to slashdot too...:)
El lun, 01-07-2002 a las 16:41, Alex Borges escribió:
> Heyas debian zealots,
> Ive finnaly come to a point where i think im needing revision control
> for my configurat
Wide questionthis is refering to
If all can be done through webmin, then through webmin it is
El jue, 04-07-2002 a las 11:55, rj escribió:
> What is the best way to delegate some root privileges for a user
> which could only create e-mail accounts and make newaliases?
> --
El vie, 19-07-2002 a las 09:17, Grischa Schuering escribió:
> Hello folks,
> I am sure there is somebody who can help me on this matter. It is very
> important to me and I will be very grateful if somebody tells me how to
> solve it:
> I am using debian woody.
> What is the best and easiest w
>Mark Crispin
> hates Maildir. Mark's feelings may not have a bearing on the final
> decisions, I just include that as a datapoint.
I hate round robin and divide and conquer strategies, i loathe
chalenge-response authentication, the very thought of heap-sort
techniques make me shive
> sorry for my english, never study
Not bad at all
U have a typo on the log_martians part
El sáb, 03-08-2002 a las 12:26, axacheng escribió:
> Hello List :
> Does anyone knows What is best package on VPN solution
> That package have perfect security , compatibility and friendly config file
> for administrator!
Wahahahaha. NO!.
1.- FreeSWAN ---> IPSEC perfectly com
Follow Teun's instruction
Also, to practice, go set up an unsigned certificate box right now (YES
NOW) and look in google for the ssl certificate management HOW-TO as
that is the stressfull (diferent) part aboout a ssl http server
It helped me a lot and gawd knows im a newbiealso
weve been using imap forever, generaly we use the tarbalsive been
braging about how using the debian packages or maybe even just the
system (like, just apt-get source) could save us so much time...
In evaluating this, i found out that debian stock courier is buuilt
It works if U edit debian/rules and remove the vchkpw line
A master is one that teaches himself and shows off to others...sorry for
the noise
> if you really cared about the issue, you'd be a lot more productive if
> you spent your energies explaining to chinese-speaking sysadmins what
> the spam problem is, why they've been black-listed and what they can do
> to get off the list. that would be far more effective than whining on
> e
You should know that HP is debian friendly (they still wont offer
support though), but they do work with debian internally and informally
I use DELL big baddass servers and smaller (hwIDE-RAID Barracuda arrays)
in HP and ive never had a problem at all...
Ask the ones who want you to install
El dom, 29 de 06 de 2003 a las 02:15, Jason Lim escribió:
> Okay... so supposing the whole system needs to be installed, we can make a
> backup of the home directory now... but after we restore everything, what
> is to stop the hacker immediately re-gaining access again?
> The server is a fully
El mar, 01 de 07 de 2003 a las 07:35, Ross, Chris escribió:
> I need to provide email access for 13,000 to 14,000 K12
> students. Last school year we used Microsoft
> Exchange
BY GOD, did he really say that?
> >with extremely
> 1. Postfix with either mysql or LDAP for virtual user del
apt-get install chkrootkit
It looks awfully like a punk emoticon to me.
El jue, 14-08-2003 a las 11:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Hi,
> I was just doing some debugging on another problem and did a ps -eaf and
> saw the following line that looks very suspicious to me:
> Are you perhaps running X? I believe this process is an xdm child, which
> manages the primary display (:0).
Now thats friendly! that one looks like babe, the brave pigglet.
> HTH,
> - Keegan
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Con
Has anyone tried it on woody? Claims to work on redhat Out of the box. I
really dont want to mix that in so.any experiences?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The new buzzword for solutions to the wifi solution provider is VBN or
visitor based networking.
Dumb boxes that force each user to authenticate, then take appropriate
steps in the firewall/proxy...etc.
There was a thread about that a couple of months before.
Please dont go and buy a cisco box.
yes, the solution is plausible this way, but i do think the nocatauth
ppl have some road ahead for this problem (perl based wifi
authentication gateway).
I mean, there are som many ways to do this. For example, the way they
are doing it at airports. You go and buy a little card, fire up the wifi
El vie, 15-08-2003 a las 07:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Dear,
> I have a problem.
> I have instaled apache and php4 with apt-get, but when i don't comment the line:
> LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
> apache don't start.
> Help-me
Help me help you.
Whats the error
It all depends
qmail has a very non standard way of being managed. Its almost
meta-unix. That said, its VERY flexible, extremely powerfull, once you
get a hang of it INCREDEBLY EASY to manage. And it has no paralell in
security (AGES and AGES better than sendmail)
Sadly, its non free. You can
El jue, 04-09-2003 a las 01:47, Jamie Baddeley escribió:
> so how does exim compare in all of this?
It doesnt at all Not to ellaborate, but the subject says it
all...even then. I hate exim too.
> jamie
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trou
El jue, 04-09-2003 a las 07:58, Eric Sproul escribió:
> We chose OpenLDAP. At the time (1999), Qmail
> did not have LDAP support (correct me if I'm wrong). Sendmail did.
> Even if Qmail did have LDAP support then, Sendmail's source was *much*
> easier to dig through for the performance tuning w
Im shure russel coker is arround
He made the coolest stress benchamrks arround. All Free baby!
Bonnie++For testing your disks/storage (you can BM a samba share if
you want for example)
slapper For testing your ldap
postal To kill your smtp
There are more.
Intel h
If your clients get domains, buy service by domain, dont care about it
at all, go for it.
You can chroot ftp/dav..etc, then they wont even know it.
El mar, 16-09-2003 a las 13:34, Rod Rodolico escribió:
> Long time ago, I ran a dozen domains or so off one IP. Then, did a colo with a lot
> of IP
Anyone knows What The FARKS is that IOs unit the HP SAN folk keep
talking about? Like in, yeah, this thing can take 2000 IOS per second.
How many bytes is an IOs supposed to be? An IO==Device blocksize or WTF?
It seems like most that have bought a SAN knows how many IOs it is
worth, but noone kn
, its a subdocumented topic in
the OSS world (you wont find it -YET- in the LDP)
El vie, 19-09-2003 a las 17:08, Alex Borges escribió:
> Anyone knows What The FARKS is that IOs unit the HP SAN folk keep
> talking about? Like in, yeah, this thing can take 2000 IOS per second.
> How many
> But most of these people have commercial Windoze FTP clients
> that support some flavor of RFC2228 FTP security extensions.
> Of course, they are "not technical" and do not know which
> extensions they can use. All they know is someone sold them
> a "secure FTP program" and they can't understan
Im building one for about 120,000 little university brats and their
Ive already designed it and decided exactly that way... postfix, ldap,
courier, san, apache, squirrelmail.
BUT, we decided to split by "breed".
For example, we will use two Dual-P4Xeon 2Gb for the IMAP/POP, same fo
Well yeah, u just plug in your wi card, make shure its linux compatible
and there are packages (apt-cache search them) that will help u in
configuring the card to behave as an access point.
vie, 07-11-2003 a las 07:16, Dale E Martin escribió:
> I was curious if there was software to turn my fir
Okay, here is a cool question about neat things like ye olde email farm
in your uni.
If u guys work at a university, it would be fun to know how many email
boxes you have and how much email traffic do you get. This variables
would be helpfull:
a) Number of email I/O (bulk total, how many in, how
one ISP. This is after shaving spam hits i guess
Anyone else knows what their messages per user per day is on a monthly
average? Now, before and after shaving some spam?
> --On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 16:51 -0600 Alex Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Ok
Any firewall rules or logging mechanism?
El mar, 18-11-2003 a las 15:12, Simon Allard escribió:
> I have setup a linux box with a 2.4.19 kernel. I am bridging 2 ethernet
> devices together using 3Com PCI 3c982 Dual Port cards. (3c59x).
> What I am seeing is that the module itself uses 30% of C
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 08:38, Dan MacNeil wrote:
> Two questions:
> 1) Has anyone done a:
> apt-get install bcm5700-module-2.4.18
Well, its a source module, so you will have to compile it for your
running kernel. Other than that, ive a year and a half worth of uptime
out of it on a w
> Allthough its things like this that break ones automatically
> kernelbuildingsystem for +25 debianservers :( I use to have script
> that did build an *.deb package based on config in .config but now i
> need to come up with something clever that compile the source against
> the running kernel...
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 09:46, David Zejda wrote:
> what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> experiences/stability...?
> i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.
Please explore the list for a three month very fun discussion about it
(i still remember it).
> thanks
> David
> > I think, the full Hardware/Software can not exceed 150k US$,
> > better less. (the cost does not inlude the Online-UPS)
I think the largest cost wont be in actual software infrastructure but
in value added infrastructure.
Do you want people to buy the domains online, that will cost.
El mar, 16-12-2003 a las 12:39, Jason Lim escribió:
> Just noticed one more thing... it appears to be Apache causing the super
> high load (among other programs running) when SMP is compiled into the
> kernel, and with a bunch of errors in syslog:
> [Wed Dec 17 02:27:37 2003] [notice] child pid
Well, its not that the kernel does not detect the ht, it does and quite
fine (shows lots of processors in the box and all).
The problem is that apache is crashing under high load with a segfault.
Now, as i understand it, this can be a faulty hardware problem (bad
memory=segfault) or an actual soft
> Except in my case, this error ONLY appears if SMP support is compiled into
> the kernel, otherwise, it runs smooth with very high load. Apache doesn't
> immediately have the problem with SMP compiled in tho... it takes maybe an
> hour or two before the problem appears.
That is consistent with
> I do not appear to be having the same problem you guys are. The machine
> does not have a high load, but has not exhibited any problems
> whatsoever. Running vanilla source 2.4.23 from
> Are you using Debian kernel packages or vanilla source? Any other magic
> going on? Possibl
Boy, are u gonna get answers
El mié, 14-01-2004 a las 08:56, Fred Whipple escribió:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'd like to get some of your thoughts on a few things relating to the
> possibility of our company switching distributions from Red Hat to
> Debian. As most folks already know, Red Hat h
Has clients in EVERYTHING and an opensource server. Its very well
El jue, 08-01-2004 a las 06:37, Ghe Rivero escribió:
> Hi people!
> I need to provided some basic services for an ISP. I have almost
> everything resolved except a chat services. The server is running but
There is a very young thread about this in the list archives...look in
there, then come with more speciffic doubts...:)
El lun, 19-01-2004 a las 13:58, Vahric MUHTARYAN escribió:
> Hi Everybody ,
> I will be new user of Debian. For quick tour I want to learn and I
> want to get your a
Browse through the bug pages, and related pages linked
to from the site
The debian quality control process is thoroughly documented, absolutly
open and streneusly enforced. You will find why this is the best of
breed platform for standards compliant, secure internet
Okay, im sorry to post this here. I dont know why a linux distro is
sending me spam. I wonder if any of you guys also got this.
I dont think its acceptable for a linux distro to fall down to this
level and so, i am posting this here in order for them to find out what
the linux community thinks of
Im not shure i follow. If youve already got the SAN, why the need of a
I thought it would just export you its volumes and youd see it as scsi
El lun, 09-02-2004 a las 14:44, J.J. van Gorkum escribió:
> Hi,
> Can sombody point me in the right direction for cluster Filesystem
> sup
El lun, 09-02-2004 a las 19:23, Michael Loftis escribió:
> Yes but if you have need of sharing a single filesystem, on a single
> volume, you need a FS capable of such.
Ah yes...well doh... i didnt think of that...thx
Ok... You can tell i dont know much about this matters. I just want to
learn a
Sorry i cant be of more help. But this is what we do.
We have an all windows (all flavors) environment and an all linux data
(print,file,web,collaboration,email,a-spam,a-virii,backups,sql...etc. we
like pain...its good for us).
After checking out how do we want to share the server with the
This is what i regard as the EASY way:
Divide target boxes into hardware 'races' (all exactly-the-same hardware
into one race). Install one debian per race. Partimage each race.
Sync all boxes of each race with a partimage bootdisk, look into the
dhcp logs to see the ip of each box.
Script or do
El sáb, 28-02-2004 a las 18:51, Adam ENDRODI escribió:
> On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 01:00:09AM +0100, Kilian Krause wrote:
> >
> > I came accross the idea of using CODA for replication of the filesys
> > even though the slow network connection, but somewhat i doubt it'll be
> > performant over intern
El vie, 05-03-2004 a las 12:56, Lucius Junevicus escribió:
> I saw your post on setting up qmail over drbd. I would love to see
> how you did it.
> I'd like to create a how-to on setting up a hybrid cluster (open-mosix
> and drbd) for qmail.
Open Mosix? Isnt that like, autobalanced cluster? Inter
What really bakes my cookie here is why do spammers dont get the
clue that debian-isp's never ever buy anything from a spammer...or do
Maybe its all Your Fault!
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I used to have a problem on my server, i passed myself to sarge 1.3.29
with libapache-modssl and never saw the problem again.
On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 20:18, Jason Lim wrote:
> Dear Gilles ,
> I'll try as well... hope we can find a solution.
> I have a few Redhat Linux 9 servers with Hyperthrea
Whats realy baking my noodle is, how the hell did this email got to us.
I mean. If she/he has a friend at debian-isp then they shouldve known
I just cant think of a chain of events... or maybe this is the infamous
"grandma" of a BOFH and suffered this unfortunate fraud because she
didnt c
martin f krafft wrote:
also sprach Francesco P. Lovergine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.10.15.1702 +0200]:
The main purpose is identify periodically boxes on an internal private
network which cause very high traffic, due to worms, virus and so.
A per-IP simple report a la mrtg could be nice.
martin f krafft wrote:
also sprach Alex Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.10.15.1742 +0200]:
The best ive seen was not in debian when i chacked. Its an ipacc
but patched to lazyly report to a mysql database. This way the
measurement doesnt take a lot of resources in a really dem
1) Relax. Youre in the right place.
2) Worry. You need to learn ldap fast
3) Use GQ (ldap browser) to get an idea of whats in there
4) Get a safari account and get yourself a couple of good ldap books.
5) Read the most relevant chapters for an intro to htf (how the fuck)
does this ldap stuff works
er, using which schema and so on. Life goes
> on
> :) Thanks for teh suggestion I am looking at the Safari bookself right now :)
> Omar
> On Tue Nov 23 11:30 , Alex Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:
> >1) Relax. Youre in the right place.
> >2) Worry. You need
El lun, 05 de 05 de 2003 a las 18:00, Eduard Ballester escribió:
> hi
> I have an Apache with several VirtualHost and now I have a doubt.
Apache is ready to scale in a multiple virtual host environments without
problems. Of course, if you can separate too apache's based on function
(ssl vs non-
Hey ive inherited a strange networklooks like this:
- > Bridge
| NET2
Othernets<-->DATACENTER Routers
| NET3
You should know that HP is debian friendly (they still wont offer
support though), but they do work with debian internally and informally
I use DELL big baddass servers and smaller (hwIDE-RAID Barracuda arrays)
in HP and ive never had a problem at all...
Ask the ones who want you to install
El dom, 29 de 06 de 2003 a las 02:15, Jason Lim escribió:
> Okay... so supposing the whole system needs to be installed, we can make a
> backup of the home directory now... but after we restore everything, what
> is to stop the hacker immediately re-gaining access again?
> The server is a fully
El mar, 01 de 07 de 2003 a las 07:35, Ross, Chris escribió:
> I need to provide email access for 13,000 to 14,000 K12
> students. Last school year we used Microsoft
> Exchange
BY GOD, did he really say that?
> >with extremely
> 1. Postfix with either mysql or LDAP for virtual user del
Well yeah, u just plug in your wi card, make shure its linux compatible
and there are packages (apt-cache search them) that will help u in
configuring the card to behave as an access point.
vie, 07-11-2003 a las 07:16, Dale E Martin escribió:
> I was curious if there was software to turn my fir
Okay, here is a cool question about neat things like ye olde email farm
in your uni.
If u guys work at a university, it would be fun to know how many email
boxes you have and how much email traffic do you get. This variables
would be helpfull:
a) Number of email I/O (bulk total, how many in, how
one ISP. This is after shaving spam hits i guess
Anyone else knows what their messages per user per day is on a monthly
average? Now, before and after shaving some spam?
> --On Wednesday, November 12, 2003 16:51 -0600 Alex Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Ok
Any firewall rules or logging mechanism?
El mar, 18-11-2003 a las 15:12, Simon Allard escribió:
> I have setup a linux box with a 2.4.19 kernel. I am bridging 2 ethernet
> devices together using 3Com PCI 3c982 Dual Port cards. (3c59x).
> What I am seeing is that the module itself uses 30% of C
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 08:38, Dan MacNeil wrote:
> Two questions:
> 1) Has anyone done a:
> apt-get install bcm5700-module-2.4.18
Well, its a source module, so you will have to compile it for your
running kernel. Other than that, ive a year and a half worth of uptime
out of it on a w
> Allthough its things like this that break ones automatically
> kernelbuildingsystem for +25 debianservers :( I use to have script
> that did build an *.deb package based on config in .config but now i
> need to come up with something clever that compile the source against
> the running kernel...
On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 09:46, David Zejda wrote:
> what do you prefer for authoritative dns?
> experiences/stability...?
> i have no verbose bind knowledge yet.
Please explore the list for a three month very fun discussion about it
(i still remember it).
> thanks
> David
> > I think, the full Hardware/Software can not exceed 150k US$,
> > better less. (the cost does not inlude the Online-UPS)
I think the largest cost wont be in actual software infrastructure but
in value added infrastructure.
Do you want people to buy the domains online, that will cost.
El mar, 16-12-2003 a las 12:39, Jason Lim escribió:
> Just noticed one more thing... it appears to be Apache causing the super
> high load (among other programs running) when SMP is compiled into the
> kernel, and with a bunch of errors in syslog:
> [Wed Dec 17 02:27:37 2003] [notice] child pid
Well, its not that the kernel does not detect the ht, it does and quite
fine (shows lots of processors in the box and all).
The problem is that apache is crashing under high load with a segfault.
Now, as i understand it, this can be a faulty hardware problem (bad
memory=segfault) or an actual soft
> Except in my case, this error ONLY appears if SMP support is compiled into
> the kernel, otherwise, it runs smooth with very high load. Apache doesn't
> immediately have the problem with SMP compiled in tho... it takes maybe an
> hour or two before the problem appears.
That is consistent with
> I do not appear to be having the same problem you guys are. The machine
> does not have a high load, but has not exhibited any problems
> whatsoever. Running vanilla source 2.4.23 from
> Are you using Debian kernel packages or vanilla source? Any other magic
> going on? Possibl
Boy, are u gonna get answers
El mié, 14-01-2004 a las 08:56, Fred Whipple escribió:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'd like to get some of your thoughts on a few things relating to the
> possibility of our company switching distributions from Red Hat to
> Debian. As most folks already know, Red Hat h
Has clients in EVERYTHING and an opensource server. Its very well
El jue, 08-01-2004 a las 06:37, Ghe Rivero escribió:
> Hi people!
> I need to provided some basic services for an ISP. I have almost
> everything resolved except a chat services. The server is running but
There is a very young thread about this in the list archives...look in
there, then come with more speciffic doubts...:)
El lun, 19-01-2004 a las 13:58, Vahric MUHTARYAN escribió:
> Hi Everybody ,
> I will be new user of Debian. For quick tour I want to learn and I
> want to get your a
Browse through the bug pages, and related pages linked
to from the site
The debian quality control process is thoroughly documented, absolutly
open and streneusly enforced. You will find why this is the best of
breed platform for standards compliant, secure internet
Okay, im sorry to post this here. I dont know why a linux distro is
sending me spam. I wonder if any of you guys also got this.
I dont think its acceptable for a linux distro to fall down to this
level and so, i am posting this here in order for them to find out what
the linux community thinks of
Im not shure i follow. If youve already got the SAN, why the need of a
I thought it would just export you its volumes and youd see it as scsi
El lun, 09-02-2004 a las 14:44, J.J. van Gorkum escribió:
> Hi,
> Can sombody point me in the right direction for cluster Filesystem
> sup
El lun, 09-02-2004 a las 19:23, Michael Loftis escribió:
> Yes but if you have need of sharing a single filesystem, on a single
> volume, you need a FS capable of such.
Ah yes...well doh... i didnt think of that...thx
Ok... You can tell i dont know much about this matters. I just want to
learn a
Sorry i cant be of more help. But this is what we do.
We have an all windows (all flavors) environment and an all linux data
(print,file,web,collaboration,email,a-spam,a-virii,backups,sql...etc. we
like pain...its good for us).
After checking out how do we want to share the server with the
El sáb, 28-02-2004 a las 18:51, Adam ENDRODI escribió:
> On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 01:00:09AM +0100, Kilian Krause wrote:
> >
> > I came accross the idea of using CODA for replication of the filesys
> > even though the slow network connection, but somewhat i doubt it'll be
> > performant over intern
El vie, 05-03-2004 a las 12:56, Lucius Junevicus escribió:
> I saw your post on setting up qmail over drbd. I would love to see
> how you did it.
> I'd like to create a how-to on setting up a hybrid cluster (open-mosix
> and drbd) for qmail.
Open Mosix? Isnt that like, autobalanced cluster? Inter
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