security warnings (on unstable)

2003-10-01 Thread Christian Jaeger
Hello What's the best way to let machines (running unstable) to warn me about pending upgrades marked as security relevant (or just relevance high)? (It's enough just to send me remember mails, that's better than to let it do the upgrade itself.) I remember someone once set up a server offerin

Re: realtime email backup across computer centers

2003-05-16 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 14:40 Uhr +0200 13.05.2003, Markus Oswald wrote: > I think all mail must be forwarded from server A to B (and must be acknowledged from B) before server A acknowleges incomming mail. You could use DRBD to have your spool-directory mirrored.(...) The only real problem I see (...) split-brain si

Re: Problem in Unix

2003-04-11 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 14:47 Uhr -0400 11.04.2003, Alex Pearsall wrote: > I have lost my crontab by crontab - r That seriously sucks. I've built a check into my crontab wrapper: Christian.

Re: customizing qmail failure delivery

2003-02-17 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 21:25 Uhr -0800 16.02.2003, Ted Deppner wrote: On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 08:02:45PM +0100, Christian Jaeger wrote: - By default, qmail tries for a week to deliver a message before it gives up. No warning whatsoever is sent to the sender before. Is there no way to make it send a delay warning

customizing qmail failure delivery

2003-02-16 Thread Christian Jaeger
Hello I have a few questions regarding delivery failure messages: - By default, qmail tries for a week to deliver a message before it gives up. No warning whatsoever is sent to the sender before. Is there no way to make it send a delay warning after 4 hours? - The failure notices include the o

phpgroupware problems

2003-02-11 Thread Christian Jaeger
Hi I've attempted to use different phpgroupware* packages several times in the past few months, each time (afaik) there was another file missing. chris@pflanze SRCREBUILD > dpkgli "*phpgrou*" ii phpgroupware0.9.14-0.RC3.2 Web based GroupWare system written in PHP ii phpgroupware

Re: lsof +L1 - mysql.err.1 unlinked ...

2003-01-07 Thread Christian Jaeger
Sorry, I've restarted mysql again and am seeing that it normally does not only write "mysql ended" but a whole bunch of other lines to the logs. So yes it is a problem. Christian. At 15:11 Uhr +0300 07.01.2003, Do-Risika RAFIEFERANTSIARONJY wrote: Hi everybody, I have always these mysql.err.1

Re: lsof +L1 - mysql.err.1 unlinked ...

2003-01-07 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 15:11 Uhr +0300 07.01.2003, Do-Risika RAFIEFERANTSIARONJY wrote: Hi everybody, I have always these mysql.err.1 files not unlinked in all my mysqlservers, and only a mysqld restart resolve these (nor reload neither mysqladmin refresh doesn't unlink them). Does anybody in the list encounter t

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-01 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 8:39 Uhr -0500 01.01.2002, Keith Elder wrote: This brings up a question. How do you rsync something but keep the ownership and permissions the same. I am pulling data off site nightly and that works, but the permissions are all screwed up. I'm using rsync -aHx --numeric-ids and then protect th

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-01 Thread Christian Jaeger
At 8:39 Uhr -0500 01.01.2002, Keith Elder wrote: >This brings up a question. How do you rsync something but keep the >ownership and permissions the same. I am pulling data off site nightly >and that works, but the permissions are all screwed up. I'm using rsync -aHx --numeric-ids and then pro

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-01 Thread Christian Jaeger
Use cpbk or even better rsync (cpbk is problematic with large filesystems because it takes much memory to hold the tree info - rsync does the same with less memory needs). They (allow to) only copy the changed parts of the fs and keep old versions of altered files. chj.

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-01 Thread Christian Jaeger
Use cpbk or even better rsync (cpbk is problematic with large filesystems because it takes much memory to hold the tree info - rsync does the same with less memory needs). They (allow to) only copy the changed parts of the fs and keep old versions of altered files. chj. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE,

Re: Anyone running netatalk-1.5preX on potato?

2001-09-21 Thread Christian Jaeger
FYI: I've +- managed to build the thing, building and installing libdb3 was needed (strange it didn't require that) but this overrides db2 files that are part of glibc from potato. The resulting binary starts, but doesn't accept connections from macs. So I'm playing with 1.4asun again :-/ . c

Anyone running netatalk-1.5preX on potato?

2001-09-17 Thread Christian Jaeger
Hello Because I've had rather bad experiences with netatalk1.4*asun (under linuxppc) I'm currently trying to build the netatalk source package from unstable (the binary relies on the newer glibc from woody so I don't want to use that). There seem to be some issue with the txn_begin function (appa