Re: ipaccounting

2000-04-15 Thread Chris Wagner
Try something with cron and tcpdump. There are numerous ip accounting programs out there. Look on the Debian package list. +---+ |-=I T ' S P R I N C I P L E T H A T C O U N T S=- | |=- -=ALAN KEYES

Re: Strange message in logs

2000-04-15 Thread Chris Wagner
At 08:04 AM 4/12/00 +0200, Tamas TEVESZ wrote: > > AFAIK, the hosts.* files only affect daemons run out of inetd, not stand-alones. >not true. they are ued by any program which has libwrap support. But is that enabled by default? Or is modification required. I did some testing a while back and n

Re: Server Motherboards with multiple PCI buses

2000-04-15 Thread Chris Wagner
At 06:24 PM 4/14/00 -0500, J. Currey wrote: >Well supporting gigabit Ethernet for one, and 4 100Mb sub networks >and logging. It would take an astonishing amount of traffic to max out the interfaces. I don't think a PC based system could handle a fraction of what you propose. I think you need to