Re: Intent to NMU sugarplum to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-03-27 Thread sean finney
hi christian, really strange coincidence, i kid you not--i was just importing the source packages into git as i recieved this. updates should be heading to sid shortly. sean On Wednesday 26 March 2008 07:53:12 pm Christian Perrier wrote: > Dear Debian maintainer, > > The sugarplum De

changes in dbconfig-common templates

2008-04-11 Thread sean finney
hey everyone, i've been spending some TLC time with one of my packages, dbconfig-common, which is currently facing some debconf related warnings for which i'd like some feedback. i could of course just fix them directly, but if there's a method that you recommend to update them minimizes work

Re: Intent to NMU or help for an l10n upload of cacti-spine to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-09-05 Thread sean finney
hi christian, as with cacti, feel free to NMU this package in the manner most convenient for you. i don't plan on making any updates before lenny. regards, sean On Friday 05 September 2008 08:11:06 am Christian Perrier wrote: > Dear Debian maintainer, > > The cacti-spine Debian package

Re: Intent to NMU or help for an l10n upload of cacti-spine to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2008-10-25 Thread sean finney
hi christian, On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 08:01:35PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote: > The cacti-spine Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has > pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes > for po-debconf, namely bug number 500020 (and maybe other similar bugs). ple

Re: Reminder for dbconfig-common translation updates

2009-02-22 Thread sean finney
hey christian, i have a question wrt the translations that i've been recieving. most are committed to git, but i notice when i run debconf-updatepo (via running debian/rules clean), it reformats many of these files by updating referenced line numbers and shortening/wrapping lines. is it a big pr

Re: Bug#529653: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the cacti-spine package

2010-01-24 Thread sean finney
Hi Christian, On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:09:58PM +0100, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Dear maintainer of cacti-spine and Debian translators, > > Some days ago, I sent a notice to the maintainer of the cacti-spine Debian > package, mentioning the status of at least one old po-debconf translation > u

Re: Intent to NMU sugarplum to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs

2010-05-31 Thread sean finney
hi christian, i have no pending changes for sugarplum, so feel free to NMU with no delay for this package. sean On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 07:28:56PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote: > Dear Debian maintainer, > > The sugarplum Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has > pending

call for translations for a common templates project

2005-03-30 Thread sean finney
hi translators, for those of you who haven't been following my posts on d-d, over the past 6 months or so i've been working on a common framework project[1] for packages that need to install/access databases as part of their functioning (mysql web apps, for example). part of this project includes

Re: call for translations for a common templates project

2005-03-31 Thread sean finney
hi folks, (don't forget to CC me, i'm not on list!) > On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 04:51:58PM +0200, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote: > > I noticed there's a cvs repo on alioth for dbconfig-common. Are you willing > > to give cvs-access to translators? If so could you add cobaco-guest to the > > pr

Re: Bug#304651: call for translations for a common templates project

2005-04-15 Thread sean finney
hi felipe, gustavo, On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 01:45:36AM -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote: > I got Gustavo's pot file and already commited it to > the CVS. Now I will review it, which will improve the quality > of translation. I already talk with him and he knows that I'm > worki