l10n coordiantion robot

2011-07-14 Thread Jorge Barreiro
Hello, I'm in the Galician translation team and I'm looking for a way to coordinate the work. I've seen several languages have a robot reading their mail lists and generating coordination pages. Is it a robot I can just ask to activate for the Galician language? Or does each team maintain its

Re: l10n coordiantion robot

2011-07-15 Thread Jorge Barreiro
O Xoves, 14 de Xullo de 2011 23:15:34 escribiches: > On 14 July 2011 19:32, Jorge Barreiro wrote: > > Is it a robot I can just ask to activate for the Galician language? Or > > does each team maintain its own infrastructure? > > You have two options which, actually, can co-

Re: l10n coordiantion robot

2011-07-16 Thread Jorge Barreiro
O Venres, 15 de Xullo de 2011 14:56:52 Christian PERRIER escribiu: > Quoting Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (j...@computer.org): > > You have two options which, actually, can co-exist, > > > > - you can ask the maintainers of the generic robot (at > > http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/) to activate ga

Request to activate the Galician language in the DDTP

2012-06-02 Thread Jorge Barreiro
Hello, I'd like to start sending package descriptions translated to Galician, so I'm requesting it to be activated in the DDTP system. Thank you. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Arch

Re: Request to activate the Galician language in the DDTP

2012-06-10 Thread Jorge Barreiro
O Sábado, 9 de Xuño de 2012 15:59:42 Martijn van Oosterhout escribiu: > On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 10:37:15PM +0200, Christian PERRIER wrote: > > Quoting Jorge Barreiro (yortx.ba...@gmail.com): > > > Hello, > > > > > > I'd like to start sending package desc

Can't git push to tasksel git repository

2012-06-10 Thread Jorge Barreiro
Hello again, I did some changes and updated the tasksel Galician translation, but I can't push them. The documentation states that all Debian Installer translators have granted commit access to this repository, and I think I'm registered as one of them. I'm using my alioth account (yortx-guest

Re: Can't git push to tasksel git repository

2012-06-10 Thread Jorge Barreiro
O Domingo, 10 de Xuño de 2012 19:15:47 Christian PERRIER escribiu: > Quoting Jorge Barreiro (yortx.ba...@gmail.com): > > Hello again, > > > > I did some changes and updated the tasksel Galician translation, but I > > can't push them. > > > > The do

Request to activate Galician language for the Debian website

2012-11-04 Thread Jorge Barreiro
Hello, I sent a request to activate the Galician language in the Debian website to webmas...@debian.org more than a week ago, as requested in: http://www.debian.org/devel/website/translating, but I got no response so far. I'd like to know if someone here can do it, or knows how should I ping.

Re: Request to activate Galician language for the Debian website

2012-11-06 Thread Jorge Barreiro
O Domingo 04 Novembro 2012 21:27:46 David Prévot escribiu: > Hi, > > Le 04/11/2012 15:15, Jorge Barreiro a écrit : > > I sent a request to activate the Galician language in the Debian website > > to webmas...@debian.org more than a week ago, as requested in: > >

Re: Please translate: stretch dedication text

2017-06-13 Thread Jorge Barreiro
On 12/06/17 14:42, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote: Hi, We will dedicate stretch to Ian Murdock. Please translate the dedication text at your earliest convenience: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/5505efcd/ For now, please email translations directly to me as a plain text attachment. I will collate the

Re: Please translate: Debian Stretch announcement

2017-06-16 Thread Jorge Barreiro
ory ## #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="Jorge Barreiro González" Despois de 26 meses de desenvolvemento o proxecto Debian está orgulloso de presentar a súa nova versión estábel 9 (nome en clave Stretch), que será mantida durante os