Bug#1030856: debian-i18n: The installer doesn't allow to select freely language and locale

2023-02-08 Thread James Addison
Package: debian-i18n Followup-For: Bug #1030856 Control: tags -1 moreinfo Hi Nicola - please can you provide additional information for this bug report? (for example: what language and locale options are available in the installer, and what is not possible currently in the selection process?)

Bug#1029821: change gnome-desktop's default choice of Japanese input methods for Debian

2023-03-02 Thread James Addison
Package: libgnome-desktop-4-2 Followup-For: Bug #1029821 X-Debbugs-Cc: s...@debian.org, z...@debian.org, ken...@xdump.org, yy.y.ja...@gmail.com, iwama...@debian.org, gunna...@debian.org, debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, debian-japan...@lists.debian.org, m...@packages.debian.org, ibus-an...@packages