Re: Review/translations for announcement - Debian LTS support

2014-04-22 Thread Neil McGovern
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 05:13:41PM +0100, Neil McGovern wrote: > Hi all, > > I've committed a draft announcement to > svn.d.o/publicity/announcements/en/2014/20140420.wml - can I have > translations/reviews within the next 2 days please? > Hia, I've been asked to add a sentence to this about an

Re: Review/translations for announcement - Debian LTS support

2014-04-22 Thread Richard Hartmann
FYI, already picked up the news so in the German-speaking chunk of the Internet, the cat is out of the bag. RIchard

logging in to DDTSS

2014-04-22 Thread Andreas Rönnquist
Hi I have problems logging in to DDTSS - there seems like I have registered an account with my email , but the password that I have written down doesn't seem to work. How can I get a password reminder for that system? I cannot find any simple interface that is present on most simi

Reminder for ganeti translation updates

2014-04-22 Thread Christian PERRIER
This is a reminder for the running translation round for debconf templates of ganeti. Currently complete languages: da es fr ja pl pt ru Currently existing but incomplete languages: el Please send out updates before Thursday, April 24, 2014. On Friday, April 25, 2014, I will notify the ganet