Re: my draft

1997-09-21 Thread Ricardas Cepas
On Sat Sep 20 20:51:59 1997 + (ÅeÅtadienis, 1997 m. rugsÄjo 20 d. 23:51:59 +0300), Marco d'Itri wrote: > This is my draft. Some points are poorly explained, feel free to ask any > question. > Please report spelling and grammatical mistakes and so on (anyway, someone > will probabl

new kbd manual

1997-09-21 Thread Christian Schwarz
Hi folks! I just uploaded a first draft of a new manual: Debian Keyboard Configuration. The URL is for now. I also incorporated Marco's specification (thanks Marco!). The document is meant to involve as we implement the c

Re: my draft

1997-09-21 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 21, Ricardas Cepas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [Please don't Cc public messages.] >> - TOP + numeric keypad keys compose a character (decimal) >> - TOP + numbers and [abcdef] keys compose a character (hexadecimal) >Wouldn't it be better to use other keys for >keypad composing