Re: Coordination pages/l10n bot: improvement suggestion

2008-07-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi, when the translation it's sent to the BTS if there's a To: or CC: with l10n-skynet-bot@ included will it be smart enough to use the ACK replied from the BTS with the #bug? Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo A Tuesday 01 July 2008 22:22:

Coordination pages/l10n bot: improvement suggestion

2008-07-01 Thread Eddy Petrișor
Hello, I really like that the coordination pages can now become official, but I always resented the fact that you have to manually send a BTS#NN mail for the coordination pages to know about that bug. So I am thining of two approaches to solve this problem, but I would honestly love the