Re: Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-23 Thread
  Hello,   "Thomas Müller" wrote: >  Besides the fact that I didn't get the intention of your email: >  The announcement was also sent on the list >  debian-infrastructure-announce as well. >It was sent to that list, but it's still on the way :-) It didn't make it to the list, according to the li

Re: Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-23 Thread Thomas Müller
On Mon, 23 May 2011 13:00:22 +0200, Martin Eberhard Schauer wrote: is under maintenance this week-end: This will affect several parts of the i18n infrastructure, starting with D-I localization (an

Re: Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-23 Thread Martin Eberhard Schauer is under maintenance this week-end: This will affect several parts of the i18n infrastructure, starting with D-I localization (and work). Sorry, this is of course the wrong mailing list, but I h

Re: Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-23 Thread Thomas Müller
On Mon, 23 May 2011 11:29:59 +0200, Holger Wansing wrote: Hi, Christian PERRIER wrote: is under maintenance this week-end: This will affect several parts of the i18n infrastructure, starting with

Re: Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-23 Thread Holger Wansing
Hi, Christian PERRIER wrote: > is under maintenance this week-end: > > > > This will affect several parts of the i18n infrastructure, starting > with D-I localization (and work). Sorry, this is of co

Alioth maintenance: several side effect on l10n activites

2011-05-20 Thread Christian PERRIER is under maintenance this week-end: This will affect several parts of the i18n infrastructure, starting with D-I localization (and work). People who want to follow operations on alioth can join #alioth