Re: New strings in Debian Installer sublevels 1 to 3

2010-07-18 Thread behrad eslami
I cant find any change in level1-sublevel1 template file after svn update. did you update svn? --- On Sat, 7/17/10, Christian PERRIER wrote: From: Christian PERRIER Subject: New strings in Debian Installer sublevels 1 to 3 To:, Date: Sa

Re: Translate

2010-06-19 Thread behrad eslami
در حال حاضر که من عضو چند تا لیست پستی دبیان هستم همشون همین جوریند میل من هم پیشفرض همینجوریه ولی به هر حال اگه می تونی زحمت پیگیریشو بکشی همه را خوشحال کردی ;) --- On Sat, 6/19/10, Sameer Rahmani wrote: From: Sameer Rahmani Subject: Re: Translate To: "behrad eslami" Date: Satu

Re: Debian Installer string freeze: translations to complete (deadline July 4th)

2010-06-14 Thread behrad eslami
[1] link was not valid . did you mean

Re: What should we do with this problem?

2007-03-01 Thread behrad eslami
zadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > ظاهرا عباس هم همین کار رو > کرده! سعی کنیم با هم هماهنگ > باشیم > ضمنا کسی میدونه سایت > مال چه کسیه؟ > > On 3/2/07, behrad eslami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What should we do with this problem?

2007-03-01 Thread behrad eslami
hi all, we have problem with UTF-8 mail.we send this problem too 411041 bug: but not yet answer! Do you know why we have this problem? --- Abbas Esmaeeli Some'eh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Behrad, > Please take a look at our ML archive,

Need guid how to translate for Persian/Farsi

2007-02-13 Thread behrad eslami
hi We are a team and want to translate debian site to Persian/Farsi. Would you please tell us how we can start and how to add the translated pages to debian site. BTW, we have experiance for such works and do the same job for ( ) Best Regards. _