another email.
I am sorry if i am not clear or doing something wrong but i am new to all this.
Thank you for your time!
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Original Message
On Jul 20, 2022, 10:08 PM, Holger Wansing wrote:
> Hi, Am 20. Juli 2022 21:06:21 MESZ schrieb Irdi Ismaili : >
Hello, hope you are doing well!
Can you please create a new DDTSS for Albanian language?
Thank you!
Irdi Ismaili
Activist at [Organizata Politike](
Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.
Hello, i would like to upload files for Albanian translation, please!
Thank you!
Irdi Ismaili
Activist at [Organizata Politike](
Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.
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