Re: Fetching debconf translations from the ddtp

2003-10-08 Thread Chris Tillman
o-format? Not sure if this is useful, but lynx -dump will remove tags. -- Debian GNU/Linux Operating System By the People, For the People Chris Tillman (a people instance) toff one at cox dot net

Re: Organization of the french and dutch teams, at least

2003-09-21 Thread Chris Tillman
WIP, a Work In Progress. -- Debian GNU/Linux Operating System By the People, For the People Chris Tillman (a people instance) toff one at cox dot net

Re: i18n of cdebconf (Re: i18n of tasksel (and cdebconf))

2003-08-27 Thread Chris Tillman
m By the People, For the People Chris Tillman (a people instance) toff one at cox dot net

Re: BiDi and RTL

2002-06-11 Thread Chris Tillman
us, we already have a working floppy installer! Well I guess I made my point. -- *--v- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 v--* | <> | | debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourcefo

Fwd: Bug#136328: boot-floppies message needs transating

2002-03-29 Thread Chris Tillman
v--* | <> | | debian-imac (potato): <> | |Chris Tillman[EMAIL PROTECTED] | | May the Source be with you | *