(forw) Debian Project mourns the loss of Clytie Siddall

2015-02-05 Thread Christian PERRIER
Hello fellow Debian i18n people, This is in case some of you do not read or follow debian-news. I originally passed the news in the DD private mailing list and relayed to her husband many testimonies from Debian community members about Clytie's work. I suppose that many of you folks have witnesse

Re: Fwd: [Quilt-dev] Quilt 0.64 coming soon]

2015-02-05 Thread Holger Wansing
Hi, Martin Quinson wrote: > Hello dear translators, > > the next upstream release of the Quilt software is planned for next > friday, and we are currently seeking for translators (in particular in > German as one would only have to update the files, not start from > scratch). French and Japanees