Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 07:54:40AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote: > I uploaded the file to > as a temporary > workaround. Please remove it from there, I'm going to put up a new version fixing the bugs reported (including mispellings) up in p

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 01:06:28AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote: > No source code. Not possible. Source code is XML, so it's (sorry for the wrong permissions though, that's now been fixed) Regards Javier signature.asc Description: Digital sig

Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-01 Thread Christian Perrier
> So I'm trying to publicize it among people who may not read this > list. The election has had a small turn-out, which I think has to be > due in some degree at least to people not knowing about it. ;) The election of the DPL is "reserved" to official Debian developers...who are supposed to b

Re: La angla lingvo ne estas la universala lingvo.

2006-04-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting MJ Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > I agree with Serge. Section 1.1 seems a big fib and quite some > up-yours to the translation teams. English is just today's > working language. Re-reading the offending paragraph, I agree that it may hurt some sensitivities, even though this is not the intent

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Christian Perrier
> 1.1 - is this a late April Fool? Despite this comment which I disagree > with, the paper seems to be written in USAmerican. It's always amused Just like the installer documentation, d-i itself and much documentation. Actually, this is something I personnally don't agree that much with and I'd pr

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Christian Perrier
Quoting Serge Leblanc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Dans le premier chapitre, vous affirmez que l'anglais est la langue > universelle. I think that starting this debate is not the point. Most people in the Debian i18n community know Javier and myself and they perfectly know we do not push for English

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Clytie Siddall
On 02/04/2006, at 5:31 AM, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote: I would really appreciate if others could forward me patches improving that document. Notice there are still some FIXME and TBDs there (specially in the last chapter), if somebody wants to tackle those fully (i.e. writting th

Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-01 Thread Clytie Siddall
Answering my own mail, here... ;) On 02/04/2006, at 1:11 PM, Clytie Siddall wrote: I haven't been able to keep up with debian-devel, so I missed this, until my notification program [1] flashed up the mail with this subject. So I'm trying to publicize it among people who may not read this

Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

2006-04-01 Thread Clytie Siddall
Hi everyone :) I haven't been able to keep up with debian-devel, so I missed this, until my notification program [1] flashed up the mail with this subject. So I'm trying to publicize it among people who may not read this list. The election has had a small turn-out, which I think has to be

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread MJ Ray
Javier =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez-Sanguino_Pe=F1a?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > For the time being, and before we provide the last version to the Debconf6 > committee we would like other people in the i18n team to review it. You can > find it (HTML, PDF and XML versions) here: >

Re: La angla lingvo ne estas la universala lingvo.

2006-04-01 Thread MJ Ray
Serge Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > En la unua =C4=89apitro, vi skribis ke la angla lingvo estas la universala > lingvo.=20 > Nu tio ne pravas. Si tio estis prava, la tradukado al aliaj lingvoj ne > motive okazos. > Mi petu vin forvi=C5=9Di tion malveran jeson, kiu propagas =C4=89i tiun men= > sog

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Serge Leblanc
Estimata, En la unua ĉapitro, vi skribis ke la angla lingvo estas la universala lingvo. Nu tio ne pravas. Si tio estis prava, la tradukado al aliaj lingvoj ne motive okazos. Mi petu vin forviŝi tion malveran jeson, kiu propagas ĉi tiun mensogon. Dankon respekti la kulturan diversecon. Amike,

La angla lingvo ne estas la universala lingvo.

2006-04-01 Thread Serge Leblanc
Estimata, En la unua ĉapitro, vi skribis ke la angla lingvo estas la universala lingvo. Nu tio ne pravas. Si tio estis prava, la tradukado al aliaj lingvoj ne motive okazos. Mi petu vin forviŝi tion malveran jeson, kiu propagas ĉi tiun mensogon. Dankon respekti la kulturan diversecon. Amike,

Re: Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Tobias Toedter
On Saturday 01 April 2006 22:01, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote: > You can find it (HTML, PDF and XML versions) here: > > > I would really appreciate if others could forward me patches improving > that document. Hi, the links for HTML and PDF work --

Preview of the i18n and l10n paper for Debcon6

2006-04-01 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
Hi guys, Christian Perrier and I have been writting a paper for a round table at Debconf6 [1]. This paper tries to cover most (if not all) of the l10n/i18n projects in Debian and we would like it to be something everybody can contribute it (we will eventually add it to the DDP, after Debconf6).