RE: Green Card: A Ticket to the Land of Opportunity

2009-05-11 Thread info
Vielen Dank, dass Sie per E-Mail mit uns Kontakt aufgenommen haben. Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch erstellt. Bei Nachfragen schicken Sie bitte den gesamten Mail-Schriftwechsel mit. Freundliche Grüße Ihre LBS Tipp: Da kommt Freude auf: Jetzt ist es amtlich - LBS-Bausparen ist Riester geförde

Thank you for contacting Connexions!

2009-05-06 Thread info
The following message has been received: From: To: Subject: Get Paid for Easy Work from Home Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 04:26:19 +0800 Thank you for your enquiry to Connexions Cheshire & Warrington. We aim to respond fully to all enquiries within

Merci de confirmer votre message

2009-04-14 Thread info
Bonjour, Votre message n'a pas été transmis à son destinataire car cette boîte de messagerie n'est plus en service. Votre message ne sera pas traité. Nos nouvelles adresses électroniques sont protégées contre les messages non désirés. Pour contacter le destinataire nous vous remercions de vo

Nachricht nicht zugestellt / Message not delivered

2009-04-07 Thread info
Herr Holle ist leider nicht mehr bei Sonoace. Falls dies eine geschaeftliche Mail war, bitte an schicken. Falls das eine private Mail war, bitte an seine private E-Mailadresse schicken. Mr Holle is no longer availabe at Sonoace. In case you sent a business mail, p

Re: [BULK] Stop Your Break Up - Read This Book

2009-03-18 Thread info
Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr, dies ist eine automatisch generierte E-Mail. Ihre E-Mail hat uns erreicht. Bitte haben Sie mit unserer persönlichen Antwort etwas Geduld. Bezog sich Ihre Frage auf Ihren Benutzernamen, ein neues Passwort, Newsletter Abonnements, die Freischaltung einer ab

josl - mountain lounging hotel gmbh & co kg

2009-03-06 Thread info
Sehr geehrter Gast! Dies ist unsere alte Mail-Adresse. Wir bitten Sie, uns Ihr Anliegen / Ihre Anfrage an unsere neue Mail-Adresse zu senden. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Familien Gstrein und Team --- Dear guests! Thank you for your e

Refus d'écriture dans une liste

2009-02-27 Thread info
Vous n'avez pas les droits en écriture sur la liste -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Thank you for contacting Connexions!

2009-02-25 Thread info
The following message has been received: From: To: Subject: Simple eBay System Turns Your Computer into Money Printer Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 22:29:42 + Thank you for your enquiry to Connexions Cheshire & Warrington. We aim to respond ful

josl - mountain lounging hotel gmbh & co kg

2009-02-24 Thread info
Sehr geehrter Gast! Dies ist unsere alte Mail-Adresse. Wir bitten Sie, uns Ihr Anliegen / Ihre Anfrage an unsere neue Mail-Adresse zu senden. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Familien Gstrein und Team --- Dear guests! Thank you for your e

Merci de confirmer votre message

2009-02-24 Thread info
Bonjour, Votre message n'a pas été transmis à son destinataire car cette boîte de messagerie n'est plus en service. Votre message ne sera pas traité. Nos nouvelles adresses électroniques sont protégées contre les messages non désirés. Pour contacter le destinataire nous vous remercions de vo


2009-02-18 Thread info
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Ich werde am Mittwoch, dem 25. Februar 2009 wieder im Büro sein. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Valerie Rosewich Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be back in the office Wednsday, February 25, 2009. Best regards Valerie Rosewich

Re: *****SPAM***** Fast and Permanent Fat Loss Diet

2009-02-17 Thread info
Informiamo i gentili clienti che saremo assenti dal 09.01.2009 al 10.02.2009. Verrete contattati al nostro rientro. Grazie Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich befinde mich von 09.01.2009 bis einschließlich 10.02.2009 im Urlaub. Bitte telefoniern an: 0039-(0)45-7400596 Diese E-Mail wird nicht weiter

2009-02-12 Thread info
This email is temporarily out of use, please re-email -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact


2009-02-04 Thread info
Ti ringrazio di avermi scritto,riceverai una risposta appena possibile. Jerry -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Asunto: I Had Bad Information Taken Off My Report

2009-02-02 Thread info
¡Muchas gracias por contactarnos! Nos comunicaremos con Ud. a la mayor brevedad. Le recordamos que nuestro Centro de Atención al Cliente se encuentra a su disposición de lunes a viernes de 08.00 a 20.00 hs. Atentamente, Centro de Atención al Cliente Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge 0

Asunto: I Had Bad Information Taken Off My Report

2009-02-02 Thread info
¡Muchas gracias por contactarnos! Nos comunicaremos con Ud. a la mayor brevedad. Le recordamos que nuestro Centro de Atención al Cliente se encuentra a su disposición de lunes a viernes de 08.00 a 20.00 hs. Atentamente, Centro de Atención al Cliente Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge 0

Refus d'écriture dans une liste

2009-01-26 Thread info
Vous n'avez pas les droits en écriture sur la liste -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

josl - mountain lounging hotel gmbh & co kg

2009-01-24 Thread info
Sehr geehrter Gast! Dies ist unsere alte Mail-Adresse. Wir bitten Sie, uns Ihr Anliegen / Ihre Anfrage an unsere neue Mail-Adresse zu senden. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Familien Gstrein und Team --- Dear guests! Thank you for your e

Sv:(SaksID: 571384) Online Job Available

2009-01-17 Thread info
Vi takker for din henvendelse: Online Job Available. Saken er registrert med følgende saksnummer: Saksnummer: 571384 Henvendelser som krever svar vil bli besvart så raskt som mulig, men vi gjør oppmerksom på at vi for tiden har lang svartid. Er dette et nyhetstips bør det sendes direkte til

Thanks for contacting Colorado Ski Country USA

2009-01-17 Thread info
Thanks for writing to Your message will be forwarded on to the appropriate party and someone will respond to you as quickly as possible. Think Snow! Colorado Ski Country USA -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe"

Re: Part Time Job Opportunity Available

2009-01-16 Thread info
.. Degut a l'exces de correu brossa aquest mail ha quedat inactiu si us plau feu-nos una trucada al tel. 93 789 20 99 per als nous correus, gracies i perdoneu les molesties. . Debido al ex

Marketing Enquiry

2008-09-03 Thread info
Hi, What you mean with advertising on my site . Also we have Newsletter of 36.000 people . Just let me know Koenie -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: Tatyanna Huey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Verzonden: woensdag 3 september 2008 13:31 Aan: Onderwerp: Marketing Enquir

eine super seite

2007-04-17 Thread info
alles frei und kostenlos , nur für erwachsene. amateure, profi , bilder und videos:

Risposta Automatica

2006-01-04 Thread info
Hello, thankyou for your email. If you were requesting clarification on a technical problem we will endeavour to investigate your request and reply as quickly as possible. If you have questions regarding the terms and conditions of the service we will get back to you as soon as possible, howeve

File was infected with a virus

2004-10-28 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

File was infected with a virus

2004-10-28 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

This is an autoreply...[Re: Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED])]

2004-09-21 Thread info
Thank you for your inquiry. We would be responding to your email as soon as possible. If your inquiry is of a more urgent matter, feel free to call us on: Within Malaysia: 03 5636 0600; International: +60 3 5636 0600 The University opening hours are as follows: Mondays - Fridays: 8:30am - 5:30pm

File was infected with a virus

2004-07-21 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

File was infected with a virus

2004-07-16 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

File was infected with a virus

2004-06-25 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

Re: Important

2004-05-24 Thread info
Gracias por contactarse con nosotros. Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente se comunicará a la brevedad.

Export Br - Brazilian Shoes

2004-05-12 Thread Info Export Br
looking forward to hearing from you soon.         Sincerely,       Export Br (Info)Olivia Chaves       ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.675 / Virus Database: 437 - Release Date: 2/5/2004

File was infected with a virus

2004-03-25 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(

Las claves de los ASESINOS PSICOPATAS deslevados en "Pasajes del Terror", el libro mas impactante de Juan Antonio Cebrián.

2004-03-11 Thread INFO
Title: “PASAJES DEL TERROR” (Juan Antonio Cebrian), una obra de imprescindible lectura Siempre ha habido ASESINOS PSICÓPATAS. Juan Antonio Cebrián nos describe en su libro “PASAJES DEL TERROR” 15 casos espeluznantes y nos desvela las claves de estos asesinos sin alma.   “PASAJES DEL TERR

File was infected with a virus

2004-02-10 Thread KDDI-INFO
(BNote: JP stands for Japanese. (B (BALERT!! (BThis e-mail contained one or more virus-infected files and have been rejected. (B(JP:$B%3%s%T%e!<%?%&%#%k%9$rH/8+$7$^$7$?$N$G!"%a!<%k$NAw?.$rCf;_$7$^$7$?!#(J) (B (BThe following attachments were infected: (B(JP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<$N$H$*$j!#(


2003-07-06 Thread info
Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 MR1a on pwebshield detected virus Exploit-MIME.gen.exe in attachment unknown from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and it was Cleaned and Quarantined.

[no subject]

2003-05-28 Thread info
=== Sollten Sie keine Informationen mehr von uns wünchen, können Sie Ihre Email-Adresse über folgende URL sofort aus dem System entfernen: ===

Jetzt im neuen Outfit...

2003-05-28 Thread info
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, klein, quadratisch, praktisch und hoffentlich gut, präsentiert sich jetzt unser "Marktplatz" für das Bayerische Oberland. Unter finden Sie unsere neu überholte regionale Suchmaschine, das Oberland-Branchenbuch und natürlich unseren gros

Nice web page templates here. Check it out!

2002-08-05 Thread info
Hello, I was recently browsing the internet and came accross some guys that are making really good job. Here they are - . Check it out. Nice designs! yorth sincerely, Mark Boen Lowen 2422271 388740

Nice web page templates here. Check it out!

2002-08-01 Thread info
Hello, I was recently browsing the internet and came accross some guys that are making really good job. Here they are - . Check it out. Nice designs! yorth sincerely, Mark Boen Lowen 2674043412 04077

Nice web page templates here. Check it out!

2002-07-24 Thread info
Hello, I was recently browsing the internet and came accross some guys that are making really good job. Here they are - . Check it out. Nice designs! yorth sincerely, Mark Boen Lowen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Troubl

Nice web page templates here. Check it out!

2002-07-23 Thread info
Hello, I was recently browsing the internet and came accross some guys that are making really good job. Here they are - . Check it out. Nice designs! yorth sincerely, Mark Boen Lowen -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Troubl

Nice web page templates here. Check it out!

2002-07-22 Thread info
Hello, I was recently browsing the internet and came accross some guys that are making really good job. Here they are - . Check it out. Nice designs! yorth sincerely, Rasheem Sultan <> -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trou


2001-12-20 Thread info
This is a multipart MIME message. Ïã¸ÛάÈÚÆóÒµµç×ӿƼ¼ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾ÊÇÒ»¼Ò¼¯¿ª·¢¡¢ÑÐÖÆ¡¢Éú²ú¡¢ óÒ×ΪһÌåµÄ×ÛºÏÐÔÆóÒµ¡£Ö÷Òª¿ª·¢µç×ӿƼ¼²úÆ·£¬½ðÈÚ»ú¾ßϵÁÐ ²úÆ·¡£Ö÷µ¼²úÆ·Êǵ㳮»ú¡¢¸´µã»ú¡¢À¦³®»ú¡¢IC´Å¿¨¼°Óйظ߿Ƽ¼ µÄ½ðÈÚµç×Ó²úÆ·ºÍ°ì¹«ÓÃÆ·µÈ¡£ Ä¿Ç°£¬±¾¹«Ë¾ÓµÓÐÊÀ½çÏȽøµÄÉ豸£¬²ÉÓÃÏȽøµÄÄ£ºý¼¼Êõ¡¢Ïµ