Re: Chemnitzer Linuxtag 2004-03-06 to 2004-03-07

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Lange
o. -- regards Thomas -- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303 50969 KoelnFax: +

Re: Linuxtag 2k4

2004-03-11 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 00:35:03 +0100, Joerg Jaspert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > Hi > This is mainly to inform you that i taken the "main organiser of the > Debian booth" job from Martin 'Joey' Schulze. I would like to make a FAI demo, as we did in Chemnitz last weekend. I wi

Re: Debian Day at Linuxtag 2004

2004-04-08 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi all, I will be there and like to give a talk. Titel: Voll automatische Linux Installationen mit FAI Or should all talks be given in english? Is this a german or more an international event? 30-45 minutes are all right for me. -- regards Thomas

Re: Linuxtag 2004: Different Stuff

2004-05-11 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Mon, 10 May 2004 22:18:18 +0200, Joerg Jaspert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > I prefer the debian_wappen_logo.pdf but what do you think? Me too. >FAI (brings an A0 Poster. I cant remember if he wanted to > bring the Hardware himself he needs or if he needs it. I t

Debian booth at Linux Kongress 2004 in Erlangen

2004-08-24 Thread Thomas Lange
Will there be a booth at the LK 2004 in Erlangen? I will be there and can help. -- regards Thomas

Re: Debian booth at the Free Software Bazaar

2004-08-27 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 23:36:58 +0200, Jama Poulsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > Hi, > Me and Joost van Baal will manage a Debian booth at this > free software event: > - Posters (very much needed) I can bring my FAI poster (A0), but have no time to attend the booth, sinc I will

Re: Upcoming Linux-Kongress Organisation

2004-09-02 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 07:30:58 +0200, Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > What about hardware (1-2 machines), posters, flyers and the like? I will bring my notebook and a A0 poster of FAI. -- regards Thomas

Re: Debian booth at the Free Software Bazaar

2004-09-17 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi, now I notice, that the Bazaar is after my tutorial. So I can attend the booth and help. I will bring my FAI poster (size A0) and can show FAI on my notebook. -- regards Thomas

Re: Linuxtag in germany...

2005-04-19 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 17:19:07 +0200, Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > Hi! > * Joerg Jaspert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050418 19:37]: >> > BTW: Ganneff, wouldn't a "building a multi arch boot dvd" talk, nice? >> If someone wants it, maybe. > Yes, I know at

free cards for linuxtag

2005-05-10 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi, will the debian project get some free entry cards for Linuxtag? On the web page they promised "Sonderkontingente" for the open source community. -- regards Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-05-23 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Sun, 22 May 2005 17:54:30 +0200, Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > I think we had some problems in the past with people asking about > sub-projects (like FAI) and then nobody being around from there and the > booth personnel not knowing much or being able to hel

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-05-23 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Fri, 20 May 2005 09:26:04 +0200, Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > How many machines do we need for this to happen? The subproject FAI would like to have following hardware: 2 PC's 1 TFT 1 Keyboard It would be perfect it both one of these machines could boot from net

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-05-23 Thread Thomas Lange
>>>>> On Mon, 23 May 2005 13:45:09 +0200, Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>> said: > Hi! > * Thomas Lange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050523 13:03]: >> We also n

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-06-08 Thread Thomas Lange
>> On 10313 March 1977, Martin Schulze wrote: >> > I don't mind the reference to Sarge. I do mind a militaristic >> > design with soldiers. That reminds me much to much of a certain >> > country invading another for weapons they haven't found a trace >> > of years after. I d

Re: Organising the booth at LinuxTag

2005-06-08 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 21:42:47 +0200, Meike Reichle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > Martin Schulze said/sagte: >> At least here's a second proposal from Agnes: >> >> >>

Hardware for Debian booth at LWE

2005-11-03 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi guys, currently (from we have on one PC for our booth at LWE in Frankfurt. Does anybody else brings some hardware? I need a PC and a TFT for showing FAI, since Cajus PC will be our FAI install server. -- regards Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, emai

Debian booth

2006-01-10 Thread Thomas Lange
I like to show the newest FAI version from CD and the big FAI poster. Same as last year. All I need is a computer/notebook and a TFT/monitor. I will try to bring all on my own, but I'm not sure if I will mangage it. Since I'm in NZ at LCA from jan 19th until Feb 11th, I will tell you more details


2006-02-21 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi, I'm sorry, but I will not come to FOSDEM this year as I said before. I do not have the time to come, altough I will be missing this event. Hope you have a good time in Brussel. -- regards Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contac

CD/DVD for Linuxtag? Linux Magazin spezial?

2007-04-17 Thread Thomas Lange
Are there any plans for creating a CD/DVD with etch for Linuxtag? Any plans for making a Linux Magazin Spezial Heft with Debian? -- regards Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hardware for the debian booth

2007-05-28 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Mon, 28 May 2007 20:22:01 +0200, Alexander Wirt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > since Zobel and I are arriving by train we have some lack of hardware. I will I will try to bring a senyo 600 and a TFT for Debian. -- regards Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CeBiT 2005 Booth participants?

2005-02-01 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 22:19:23 +0100, Alexander Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > Since our booth will be bigger than last year, we will need more booth > staff than one person. At least 2-3 (and if we can more at the > weekend). I can come for one or two days. -- rega

RE: Activities at LinuxTag 2001

2000-12-18 Thread Thomas Lange
-- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303 50969 KoelnFax: +49 221 470 5317 1024D/AB9B66FD AEA6 A8C1 BD8E 67C4 8EF6 8BCA DC13

Cebit ?

2001-03-15 Thread Thomas Lange
Thomas -- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303 50969 KoelnFax: +49 221 470 5317

Braunschweiger Linuxtage 2-4 Mai

2001-04-18 Thread Thomas Lange
Installation dort zeigen, wenn es gewuenscht ist. Wenig Graphik, aber nett anzusehen wie sich ein Rechner selber installiert. -- Gruss Thomas -- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Braunschweiger Linuxtage 2-4 Mai

2001-04-19 Thread Thomas Lange
, aber keinen Monitor, Tastatur,... -- Gruss Thomas -- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303

Talk about FAI (fully automatic installation)

2001-05-16 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi I plan to give a talk at the Debian conference 1 in Bordeaux about my fully automatic installation (called FAI). Does anybody need further information ? -- Thomas -- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatik

RE: Debian project @ Linux-Kongress, November 2001

2001-11-09 Thread Thomas Lange
-- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303 50969 KoelnFax: +49 221 470 5317 1024D/AB9B66FD AEA6 A8C1 BD8E 67C4 8EF6 8BCA DC13 E54E AB9B 66FD --

Re: Workshop at Linux Kongress

2001-11-12 Thread Thomas Lange
I will be there on sunday evening to participate the cluster workshop and to prepare a demonstration of my fully automatic installation (FAI). -- Thomas

Talk at linux kongress

2001-11-20 Thread Thomas Lange
-- Thomas Lange Institut fuer Informatikmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Universitaet zu Koeln Pohligstr. 1Telefon: +49 221 470 5303 50969 KoelnFax: +49 221 470 5317 1024D/AB9B66FD AEA6 A8C1 BD8E 67C4 8EF6 8BCA DC13 E54E AB9B 66FD --

SANE 2002

2002-03-27 Thread Thomas Lange
Will there be a Debian booth at SANE 2002 end of may in Maastricht/NL ? -- Gruss Thomas -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]