Debian booth at T-DOSE 2017, sat/sun November 18 and 19, Eindhoven, Netherlands

2017-10-06 Thread Joost van Baal-Ilić
Hi, TL;DR: please visit the T-DOSE conference, please come and join us organizing the Debian booth, please create . Thanks to Geert Stappers who volunteered to take care there's full time staffing of the booth, I have just requested a Debian boo

MiniDebConf in Hamburg, May 16th-20th 2018

2017-10-06 Thread Holger Levsen
Hi, so I made reservations for the venue from May 16th to 20th 2018 and created a wikipage, and an IRC channel on #debconf-hamburg If you want to help make it happen, consider subscrib

events calendar as Outreachy/GSoC project - mentors?

2017-10-06 Thread Daniel Pocock
I've proposed an Outreachy project[1] to help manage and report on event data.  This could be a useful complement to this mailing list. Would anybody be interested in co-mentoring or suggesting ideas for the project? It can be broken up into different components for different interns and might c