Bug#1038792: Outdated minimum partition sizes

2023-06-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Package: debian-edu-install Version: 2.12.8 The minimum partition sizes are no longer up-to-date for bookworm and later and should be updated based on the actual current installations. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1038881: Migrate from ntp to ntpsec

2023-06-22 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Package: debian-edu-config Version: 2.12.32 ntp has been replaced with ntpsec in bookworm, the configuration has to be adapted to a different path and syntax. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039461: Owner of /var/lib/samba/usershares/ is not set correctly during installation

2023-06-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
END files promise (/var/lib/samba/usershares) After installation the directory ownership is still the package default: $ ls -ld /var/lib/samba/usershares/ drwxrwx--T 2 root sambashare 4096 22. Jun 08:17 /var/lib/samba/usershares/ The problem seems to be that the students group is define

Bug#1039475: icingaweb2 backend is not configured correctly

2023-06-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
dbname = "icingadb" username = "icinga2" password = "v64nhbe27dfBjR3T" charset = "" use_ssl = "0" -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039475: icingaweb2 backend is not configured correctly

2023-06-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
oadConfig() confirms that the backends ($backends) configuration is actually empty, i.e. that no backends are defined in the configuration (see https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2/blob/v2.11.4/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/Backend/MonitoringBackend.php#L160 for context). -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039475: icingaweb2 backend is not configured correctly

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Even after creating a database for icingaweb and recreating the configuration using the setup module I am getting the same error. Related support forum post: https://community.icinga.com/t/no-backend-has-been-configured-after-initial-setup/12245 -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039698: gosa postcreate/postmodify command fails when adding/modifying a system

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
t seems to have been added correctly and is configured as expected via DHCP. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
') für Modul posixAccount nicht ausführen! -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039700: Invalid DHCP configuration for systems in LDAP

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
uid lease for client 00:16:3e:22:7b:5e is duplicate on intern 2023-06-28T11:19:42.898709+02:00 tjener dhcpd[1368]: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:16:3e:22:7b:5e via eth0 2023-06-28T11:19:42.898830+02:00 tjener dhcpd[1368]: DHCPACK on to 00:16:3e:22:7b:5e via eth0

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
The postcreate command error might be related to bug #1039698. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039461: Owner of /var/lib/samba/usershares/ is not set correctly during installation

2023-06-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
run before ldapserver. So putting the icinga bundle after ldapserver might fix the availability of the group via LDAP. However, this still needs testing. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-07-17 Thread Guido Berhoerster
uot;posixAccount" 2. the group "students is a "posixGroup" and requires a "memberUid" instead of a "member" attribute @Daniel: Could you please look into fixing this in gosa? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

2023-07-17 Thread Guido Berhoerster
es_validated' Q: ".../cf-agent" -f /": error: Method 'cfe_internal_update_policy_cpv' failed in some repairs Jul 17 12:55:43 tjener.intern cf-agent[3722]: CFEngine(agent) R: Built-in failsafe policy triggered It seems that the agent tries to contact the server using the IPv6 loopback address which does not seem to be allowed by the configuration. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039698: gosa postcreate/postmodify command fails when adding/modifying a system

2023-07-18 Thread Guido Berhoerster
/2b22a5550089bab108177a41254f3f9de07eb20c/include/class_plugin.inc#L1612). However I don't see any changes in git blame since 2016, not sure why this used to work in bullseye. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

2023-07-20 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ib/cfengine3/inputs/cfe_internal/update/update_policy.cf' near line 229 Q: ".../cf-agent" -f /": error: Comment is 'Check whether a validation stamp is available for a new policy update to reduce the distributed load' Q: ".../cf-agent" -f /": error: Errors encountered when actuating files promise '/var/lib/cfengine3/inputs/cf_promises_validated' Q: ".../cf-agent" -f /": error: Method 'cfe_internal_update_policy_cpv' failed in some repairs Jul 20 10:35:34 tjener.intern cf-agent[4722]: CFEngine(agent) R: Built-in failsafe policy triggered -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

2023-07-20 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On a related note, these error only shows up when cf-agent is run by cf-execd. Invoking it manually works fine. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-07-20 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ectClass: gosaUserTemplate objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount sn: NewStudent givenName: NewStudent uid: newstudent cn: NewStudent NewStudent homeDirectory: /skole/tjener/home0/%uid loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 1002 gidNumber: 1002 gecos: NewStudent NewStudent -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-07-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
des Benutzers Max Mustermann gidNumber: 1003 objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041613: LDAP user authentication of students/teachers does not work

2023-07-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
: pam_ldap(lightdm:auth): Authentication failure; user=mamus -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041613: LDAP user authentication of students/teachers does not work

2023-07-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
more easily see the attached script, it is invoked as follows: debian-edu-add-user.sh 1010 afoo Alice Foo in order to create an example user afoo with the uid/gid 1010. -- Guido Berhoerster debian-edu-add-user.sh Description: application/shellscript

Bug#1042083: Need more robust handling of fully-qualified hostnames when adding hosts

2023-07-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
"." or the fully qualified hostname cannot be determined -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1042083: Need more robust handling of fully-qualified hostnames when adding hosts

2023-07-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
create entries with fully qualified hostnames under ou=workstations,ou=systems,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no the script could also be adapted to skip qualifying the hostname if it contains a ".". -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041613: LDAP user authentication of students/teachers does not work

2023-07-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
correctly at least. Note to self: testing this required adding the workstation with gosa on the server, as well as running copy-host-keytab and manually removing Debian-Edu_rootCA.crt on the workstation with a reboot afterwards. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1042456: /usr/bin/ldap-createuser-krb5 does not work

2023-07-28 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Package: debian-edu-config Version: 2.12.33 Running ldap-createuser-krb5 in order to create a user as recommended in the documentation does not work and returns a LDAP error, e.g. $ /usr/bin/ldap-createuser-krb5 gber 'Guido Berhoerster,,,' error: unable to find sambaDomain LDAP objec

Bug#1042456: /usr/bin/ldap-createuser-krb5 does not work

2023-07-31 Thread Guido Berhoerster
.2] I'm not sure whether this is another problem in gosa or if the LDAP user is still missing something. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1042823: Cannot log into SLBackup web frontend with sshd default configuration

2023-08-01 Thread Guido Berhoerster
otLogin yes -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1042940: /usr/sbin/debian-edu-restart-services needs systemd support

2023-08-02 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Package: debian-edu-config Version: 2.12.33 debian-edu-restart-services is based around sysvinit, directly looks into /etc/rc*.d/ and tries to kill services which haven't been stopped successfully by itself. On systemd-based systems it should use systemd facilities instead. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-08-04 Thread Guido Berhoerster
irst and then rebase the diff on top of develop since the latter is the base of our package but has truncated git history. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039699: Adding students/teachers with gosa fails due to LDAP and postcreate command errors

2023-08-04 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:34:21 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > I must have done something wrong before, with the newstudent > template applied gosa creates the following on bullseye, which > looks more correct/as expected: I just noticed that a "posixUser" class is only add

Bug#1042456: /usr/bin/ldap-createuser-krb5 does not work

2023-08-07 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 13:37:17 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > I've fixed and improved ldap-createuser-krb5 based on the template users, > gosa behavior in bullseye, the gosa-create script as well as above > suggestion so that it can now be used to create student/teacher which can

Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

2023-08-09 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Thu, 20 Jul 2023 11:25:09 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > Jul 20 10:35:34 tjener.intern cf-agent[4722]: CFEngine(agent) TRUST > FAILED, server presented untrusted key: MD5=42d62c2c4be843a78dafffb40dd40277 > Jul 20 10:35:34 tjener.intern cf-agent[4722]: CFEngine(a

Bug#1043397: cups misconfigured, does not allow root access

2023-08-09 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Package: debian-edu-config Version: 2.12.33 The debian-edu-config additions to the cups configuration remove access by root via the SystemGroup setting, this e.g. disallows root to cancel all jobs and causes debian-edu-cups-queue-autoflush.service to fail. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1041323: CFEngine agent connection errors

2023-08-10 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ne should be. Right now it is inconsistent,depening on whether systemd is installed or not, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1043353 -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1043407: configure-edu-gateway does not enable nat/ip forwarding due to missing iptables

2023-08-10 Thread Guido Berhoerster
iptables to the minimal installation Suggestions? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1043407: configure-edu-gateway does not enable nat/ip forwarding due to missing iptables

2023-08-10 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Am 10.08.23 um 13:59 schrieb Mike Gabriel: > On  Do 10 Aug 2023 11:46:21 UTC, Guido Berhoerster wrote: > >> Package: debian-edu-config >> Version: 2.12.33 >> >> Setting up a router following the documentation at >> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentati

Bug#1043452: network configuration fails if interfaces are already conigured and/or up

2023-08-11 Thread Guido Berhoerster
and delete the new configuration again (see attachment). IMHO a reasonable solution would be to present a warning at the beginning, then bring down/flush the interfaces which are to be configured, and remove their configuration stanzas from /etc/network/interfaces. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1049329: Misleading error message during configuration

2023-08-14 Thread Guido Berhoerster
uif seems to have been added. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1049396: X2Go client desktop is set to Xfce regardless of the installed desktop

2023-08-15 Thread Guido Berhoerster
-edu-ltsp-install is invoked with a --desktop argument which then defaults to Xfce. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1049397: X2Go with root on NFS clients fail to boot

2023-08-15 Thread Guido Berhoerster
retrieve lower fileattr (sbin/init, err=-6) mv: can't rename '/root/sbin/init': No such device or address LTSP command failed: mv /root/sbin/init /root/sbin/init.ltsp Aborting ltsp LTSP boot error! Enable DEBUG_SHELL to troubleshoot! -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1049396: X2Go client desktop is set to Xfce regardless of the installed desktop

2023-08-15 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:33:03 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > The cause is apparently that during installation > debian-edu-ltsp-install is invoked with a --desktop argument > which then defaults to Xfce. The above should read "without a --desktop argument", however that is

Bug#1049397: X2Go with root on NFS clients fail to boot

2023-08-16 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 10:42:05 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > [ 12.587974] overlayfs: failed to retrieve lower fileattr (sbin/init, > err=-6) > mv: can't rename '/root/sbin/init': No such device or address The actual problem is that rename(2) fails with ENXIO as o

Bug#955702: debian-edu-config: pre-configure GNOME's proxy settings

2023-08-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
e default values (I suppose not locked down since enviroment variables are also overridable by the user?) which can be achieved with dconf system databases (see https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/dconf-custom-defaults.html.en). -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1039700: Invalid DHCP configuration for systems in LDAP

2023-08-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Wed, 28 Jun 2023 13:36:04 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > Package: debian-edu-config > Version: 2.12.32 > > After adding a workstation (hostname: "ws01.intern") as shown in > https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/debian-edu-doc/debian-edu-doc-en/debian-e

Bug#1050289: Predicatble temporary directory and file names and insufficient error checking

2023-08-22 Thread Guido Berhoerster
up the /tmp or root partition depending on disk size and partition scheme. Furthermore, the script will create the tar file following the same naming scheme /tmp/sitesummary-.tar.gz which in the absence of kernel symlink protection allows for symlink attacks. -- Guido Berhoerster

xdebian-edu-firstboot init script actions

2023-09-06 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ould then be invoked both by a native systemd service file and a sysv init script. Thanks a lot, -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1008672: debian-edu-config: Only fetch Debian Edu rootca once

2023-09-06 Thread Guido Berhoerster
-edu-config/tools/fetch-rootca-cert#L28). Isn't this already the TOFU behavior you suggest? -- Guido Berhoerster

Re: xdebian-edu-firstboot init script actions

2023-09-06 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On 06.09.23 15:49, Holger Levsen wrote: On Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 08:54:06AM +0200, Guido Berhoerster wrote: My goal is to factor out most of the init script contents to a separate script in /usr/share/debian-edu-config which could then be invoked both by a native systemd service file and a sysv

Re: xdebian-edu-firstboot init script actions

2023-09-07 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Am 06.09.23 um 08:54 schrieb Guido Berhoerster: > while working debian-edu-install I noticed the > "report-errors"/"report-success" actions in the xdebian-edu-firstboot > init script and I haven't been able to figure out from where they are > supposed to

Bug#1003728: debian-edu-config: nullmailer pollutes syslog on roaming workstations

2023-09-07 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ould mail logging be local-only? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051446: debian-edu-update-netblock depends on iptables which is not installed by default

2023-09-08 Thread Guido Berhoerster
edu-update-netblock: 116: iptables: not found /usr/sbin/debian-edu-update-netblock: 117: iptables: not found /usr/sbin/debian-edu-update-netblock: 118: iptables: not found -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051461: nullmailer is not configured correctly

2023-09-08 Thread Guido Berhoerster
iler→·shared/mailname→string→·postoffice.intern -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051461: nullmailer is not configured correctly

2023-09-08 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 11:44:00 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > debian-edu-fai installs currently prefers nullmailer over exim4. However, > both the mailname and remote are not configured correctly so that mail > cannot be delivered. > > /etc/mailname contains: > > postoffice

Bug#1051461: nullmailer is not configured correctly

2023-09-08 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 13:42:24 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > This is caused by debian-edu-fai in the DEBIAN/40-misc script: > > ainsl -a /etc/mailname ${HOSTNAME} > > which appends to the file rather than overwriting it. It is also not clear why ${HOSTNAME} is used here rather

Bug#1051834: Limit log file sizes on clients

2023-09-13 Thread Guido Berhoerster
logged through syslog. This would be suitable for the portable profile as well. Suggestions? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051835: rsyslog should have a rate-limit for logging to the main server

2023-09-13 Thread Guido Berhoerster
https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omfwd.html#ratelimit-interval -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051836: exim does not use syslog

2023-09-13 Thread Guido Berhoerster
limits it would be convenient to include the mail logs there in order to enforce a log size limit. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051841: debian-edu-testsuite reports errors

2023-09-13 Thread Guido Berhoerster
: ./ldap-server: search fail before flodding the LDAP server with 1200 connections error: ./ldap-server: search fail after flodding the LDAP server with 1200 connections error: ./rdp-server: xrdp service is not listening on 3389/tcp. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1051841: debian-edu-testsuite reports errors

2023-09-14 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:03:45 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > error: ./filesystems: Using ext2 on /boot This seems bogus, there should be an exception for boot. > error: ./ldap-client: Missing /skole mount point in ldap > error: ./ldap-client: Missing tjener mount point in ldap > e

Bug#1051841: debian-edu-testsuite reports errors

2023-09-14 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Thu, 14 Sep 2023 10:57:32 +0200 Petter Reinholdtsen wrote: > [Guido Berhoerster] > >> error: ./ldap-client: Not only one PAM module of krb5, ldap and sss is > >> enabled > > > > /etc/pam.d/common-auth contains: > > > > … > >

Bug#1052245: SMB authentication failure against main server

2023-09-19 Thread Guido Berhoerster
e: Attempting to find an auth method to match sam_ignoredomain [2023/09/19 14:04:01.342820, 5] ../../source3/auth/auth.c:451(load_auth_module) load_auth_module: auth method sam_ignoredomain has a valid init [2023/09/19 14:04:01.342873, 5] ../../auth/gensec/gensec_start.c:844(gensec_start_mech) Starting GENSEC mechanism spnego [2023/09/19 14:04:01.342936, 1] ../../auth/gensec/spnego.c:1341(gensec_spnego_server_negTokenInit_step) gensec_spnego_server_negTokenInit_step: Could not find a suitable mechtype in NEG_TOKEN_INIT [2023/09/19 14:04:01.342972, 5] ../../auth/gensec/gensec.c:534(gensec_update_done) gensec_update_done: spnego[0x5618c5c0b850]: NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1052247: Blocks (ana)cron daily jobs and system shutdown for too long

2023-09-19 Thread Guido Berhoerster
. There are two possible solutions: - a shorter maximum delay - stop using anacron and rely on systemd timers which support random delays -- Guido Berhoerster

First login with libpam-mklocaluser always fails

2023-09-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
resulting in fatal errors. -- Guido Berhoerster

Re: First login with libpam-mklocaluser always fails

2023-09-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
Am 21.09.23 um 12:02 schrieb Petter Reinholdtsen: > [Guido Berhoerster] >> When logging in with LightDM the first login always fails due to a >> discrepancy between the the home directory obtained from LDAP via >> getpwent() and the newly created home directory. Specifically,

Bug#1029557: debian-edu-config: Session exits on first login on roaming-workstation fails

2023-09-21 Thread Guido Berhoerster
correct home directory. If you want to test, you need to rebuild lightdm with the patch from https://github.com/canonical/lightdm/pull/323 and change the libpam-mklocaluser pam-config priority. The latter is necessary for other display managers as well. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1003192: debian-edu-config: /etc/login.defs not adjusted for Debian Edu like /etc/adduser.conf

2023-09-22 Thread Guido Berhoerster
internal defaults and create local users with UID/GID 1000 and higher. In addition to systemd, polkitd now also uses a UID above 499, on a main server with MATE desktop I have the following UIDs above 499: 995 polkitd 997 systemd-timesync 998 systemd-network -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1003192: debian-edu-config: /etc/login.defs not adjusted for Debian Edu like /etc/adduser.conf

2023-09-22 Thread Guido Berhoerster
On Fri, 22 Sep 2023 13:57:09 +0200 Guido Berhoerster wrote: > In addition to systemd, polkitd now also uses a UID above 499, on a main > server with MATE desktop I have the following UIDs above 499: > > 995 polkitd > 997 systemd-timesync > 998 systemd-network Regardin

Bug#1003192: marked as pending in debian-edu-config

2023-09-25 Thread Guido Berhoerster
The changes in debian-edu-config, debian-edu-install, and pam-mklocaluser should cover new installations, but how should upgrades be handled? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1052245: SMB authentication failure against main server

2023-09-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
s 'root'. > > The problem is that subsequent to that, I saw that the MIT folks > decided to always issue a PAC, just without the LOGON_INFO > component. Samba doesn't do well with that, and a fix is needed both > in this code an in winbindd to change the test from 'has a PAC' to 'has a PAC with LOGON_INFO'. (see https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2023-April/244999.html) So if we don't want to set up a AD DC we will probably not be able to use Kerberos authentication with our current setup. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1052962: Use modern key type for MIT Kerberos database master key

2023-09-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
effort to change existing master keys. However, it is possible to upgrade them if desired. See https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-latest/doc/admin/advanced/retiring-des.html#the-database-master-key for details. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#665446: gosa+kerberos should enforce correct passwords

2023-10-11 Thread Guido Berhoerster
solely on gosa to enforce password complexity or if we want to configure all of the above so each one enforces the common policy on its own? In case of the former, what about the gosa option to have the user change his password on the next login? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1054338: debian-edu-artwork: fails to remove, update-debian-edu-artwork-emerald: not found

2023-10-23 Thread Guido Berhoerster
n multiple copies. However I'm wondering why the package is set up the way it is, couldn't we rename debian-edu-artwork to debian-edu-artwork-common, make the theme subpackages require that and turn debian-edu-artwork into a virtual package provided by each theme subpackage? -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1055046: Reconsider dependencies between a main/common package and theme subpackages

2023-10-29 Thread Guido Berhoerster
, however for trixie we should reconsider the dependencies, i.e. use a common approach where the current debian-edu-artwork is renamed to debian-edu-artwork-common and each subpackage provides a virtual package debian-edu-artwork and depends on debian-edu-artwork-common. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#926388: status of this bug: #926388 / Stop adding the DebianEdu root CA to NSS shared database

2023-12-25 Thread Guido Berhoerster
ian-edu-config/-/merge_requests/28 The fix is only applicable for unstable and cannot be backported to bookworm. -- Guido Berhoerster

Bug#1061560: Need to remove /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/fetch-ldap-cert on upgrade

2024-01-26 Thread Guido Berhoerster
upgrade the old hook fetch-ldap-cert will be left behind and lead to errors because the init script it tries to start no longer exists. The old hook should probably be removed by a maintainer script. -- Guido Berhoerster