Bug#220199: ITP: mecab -- a Japanese Morphological Analysis System

2003-11-11 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
ile or further processed. A first version of the package is available at http://namazu.org/~tsuchiya/debian/mecab/ -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi

Bug#220358: ITP: mecab-ipadic -- IPA dictionary compiled for Mecab

2003-11-11 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
mpossible to add this package to main/misc section, but I am eager to add this package to non-free/misc section for benefit of Mecab users. The first version of this package is available at http://namazu.org/~tsuchiya/debian/mecab/ -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi Copyright 2000 Nara Institute of Scienc

Bug#223333: ITP: mecab-jumandic -- Juman dictionaries compiled for Mecab

2003-12-08 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
ed for Mecab -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi

Bug#193399: ITP: latex209 -- macro files of LaTeX 2.09 25-mar-1992 version

2003-05-15 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: latex209 Version : 25.mar.1992 Upstream Author : Leslie Lamport * URL or Web page : ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/obsolete/macros/latex209/distribs/latex209.tar.gz * License : Public Domain Description : Commands and

Re: ITP: latex209 -- macro files of LaTeX 2.09 25-mar-1992 version

2003-05-15 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
graduates that I can not modify all of them. Regards, -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi

Re: ITP: latex209 -- macro files of LaTeX 2.09 25-mar-1992 version

2003-05-16 Thread TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
such style files, and there are a fair number of sources that use it. When one of them is processed in the 2.09 compatibility mode, the following message is printed. ! Undefined control sequence. -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi