ITP: vlc (VideoLAN Client) & vlms (VideoLAN Mini Server)

2000-08-20 Thread Samuel Hocevar
vlc-gnome, vlc-sdl, which are output plugins I put apart because they had their own dependencies. Package: vlc Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: graphics Installed-Size: 538 Maintainer: Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Version: 0.1.99g Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.2),

Re: ITP: vlc (VideoLAN Client) & vlms (VideoLAN Mini Server)

2000-08-20 Thread Samuel Hocevar
On Sun, Aug 20, 2000, Malcolm Parsons wrote: > On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 08:53:48PM +0200, Samuel Hocevar wrote: > > Description: VideoLAN Client - a free MPEG2 and DVD player > > VideoLAN is a free MPEG2 software solution. > > . > > This is the VideoLAN Client. It

Re: ITP lame

2000-09-04 Thread Samuel Hocevar
On Mon, Sep 04, 2000, John O Sullivan wrote: > I'm surprised that lame hasn't been packaged already. Was it discussed and > rejected previously? You're right about the Fraunhofer problem. See the WNPP page at (at the bott

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-04 Thread Samuel Hocevar
option of gpm then. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1024D/29499F61 1999-04-221155 4B19 A50F 1136 6E60 A499 7CF3 F5AF 2949 9F61 dig axfr \ | perl -e 'for(sort(<>)){print pack("H32",$1) if(/

Re: X and runlevels

2000-09-04 Thread Samuel Hocevar
I must admit I don't really understand the problem here. What prevents you from going back to console mode ? Moreover, even if the X server has a problem and keeps dying, startAttempts in xdm is set to 4 by default. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> h

Re: ITP: SkipStone

2000-09-05 Thread Samuel Hocevar
he GPL. See for more info. Since Mozilla isn't GPLed yet, perhaps you could ask the author to add a "can be linked with MPL code" clause like Galeon, to avoid license compatibility issues ? Regards, Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PR

Re: RFC: fix for daemon start on package install/upgrade out-of-runlevel

2000-09-10 Thread Samuel Hocevar
so it may > not work on others as well. See Bug#67021. Then I suggest the following : ps ax | grep '[ ]' I think the 'grep -v grep' kludge usually taught should be avoided. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.v

Re: Bug#81397: [authorization] fails silently for normal users, cannot start server

2001-01-06 Thread Samuel Hocevar
X servers before > upgrading a couple of weeks ago so I presume the upgrade > corrupts something in the way. How do I fix this? You might be interested in RTFMing, or checking past bugs, or having a look at /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config. Best regards, Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Bug#81397: [authorization] fails silently for normal users, cannot start server

2001-01-06 Thread Samuel Hocevar
k it's worth Cc:ing debian-devel and debian-x every time a configuration file changes in unstable. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $ ; done | \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip

Re: can the bug reporter close a bug? [was:Re: Bug#81396: root shell fscked after upgrade to woody]

2001-01-07 Thread Samuel Hocevar
On Sun, Jan 07, 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote: > > Yes, but also anyone, including the submitter, spammers, joe public > > etc can email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to close a bug as well. The BTS doesn't > > care. > > So does this mean the submitter can close their own bug or not? I'm > not sure what you

ITP: libdvbpsi -- library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating

2002-04-02 Thread Samuel Hocevar
i is a simple library designed for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> free DVD and MPEG support for Linux, Unix, Windows, BeOS and QNX: VideoLAN <

ITP: vls -- the VideoLAN MPEG broadcasting server

2002-04-02 Thread Samuel Hocevar
ls) is designed for handling a lot of MPEG sources and for broadcasting data over a network. Sam. -- Samuel Hocevar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> free DVD and MPEG support for Linux, Unix, Windows, BeOS and QNX: VideoLAN <

Re: ITP: vls -- the VideoLAN MPEG broadcasting server

2002-04-03 Thread Samuel Hocevar
On Wed, Apr 03, 2002, Hereward Cooper wrote: > Erh... Aren't there are some already @: > > > > Though they could do with being put in the archive and

Re: Recommending non-free software

2002-04-17 Thread Samuel Hocevar
se free software and distribute free software. Are you and/or the snd author aware of the existence of LessTif? snd is even on their compatibility list: If I'm not terribly mistaken, this could lead to completely free snd packages. Sam. -- Samuel

Re: Recommending non-free software

2002-04-17 Thread Samuel Hocevar
On Wed, Apr 17, 2002, Stefan Schwandter wrote: > > When was the last time you tried to compile snd with Lesstif? > > Today. It didn't work. Maybe it will work one day, but now it doesn't. Well, the interface has a few glitches, but it remains extremely usable. At least it compiled flawlessly