XFS Kernel image packaging

2001-09-25 Thread Russel Ingram
Pardon me if I sound like a newbie here. I am fairly new to the Debian way, but I am a Linux veteran. I have noticed that there are patches available in the debian package tree for the XFS filesystem but there are no available kernel-image packages with XFS already built in. Is there a specific

Re: XFS Kernel image packaging

2001-09-25 Thread Russel Ingram
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Dominik Kubla wrote: > On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 01:12:52PM -0600, Russel Ingram wrote: > > Pardon me if I sound like a newbie here. I am fairly new to the Debian > > way, but I am a Linux veteran. I have noticed that there are patches > > available in th

Re: XFS Kernel image packaging

2001-09-26 Thread Russel Ingram
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001, David wrote: > At this time being, there's no official XFS kernel images nor > patches in Debian, however there is xfsprogs as far as I know in Woody > & Sid. I am willing to work on an XFS kernel floppy boot disk, but it > would be pointless cine a kernel image with XF

Completely OT, just to quickly prove a point.

2001-09-26 Thread Russel Ingram
On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Craig Sanders wrote: > > I've used the make-kpkg command to create kernel packages, but they > > always come out with a custom-1.00 label on them and I haven't figured > > out how to get around that. > > RTFM. see the --revision option. Does anyone else on this list see this

Re: Completely OT, just to quickly prove a point.

2001-09-27 Thread Russel Ingram
Thank you all for your kind replies. It is plain to me that while Craigs response was not at all polite, I did not give him enough background information for him to think anything other than that I had not read the documentation. In truth, I had read the docs and they don't state that if you leav