I would like to participate of the DDP project.

2003-07-30 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
language. The DDP would very help our community that acts in the translations. It forgives will be off-topic, but I wait a return! I observed that link of the DDP in the URL of the project is without no item. Does not exist there no word? This is correct? Regards, -- .''`. Rodrigo T

Bug#204538: ITP: bsgloss -- Glossaries and dictionaries of a graphical environment

2003-08-07 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
Package: wnpp Version: unavailable; reported 2003-08-07 Severity: wishlist * Package name: bsgloss Version : 0.6 Upstream Author : E. A. Tacão <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://br.tldp.org/ferramentas/vp/bsgloss/bsgloss-0.6.tar.gz/ * License : (GPL) Descrip


2003-08-27 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
-- .''`. Rodrigo Tadeu Claro (rlinux) : :' : Debian-SP - irc.freenode.net - #debian-sp `. `'` email - [EMAIL PROTECTED] `-www.rodrigoclaro.cjb.net ->> UIN168799234 -- Linux User Registered #301748 Debi

Bug#188434: ITP: fm -- FM is a Gtk+ file manager

2003-04-10 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
Package: wnpp Version: 0.2.2; reported 2003-04-10 Severity: wishlist * Package name: fm Version : 0.2.2 Upstream Author : Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://thunderstorms.org/fm/downloads.html * License : (GPL) Description : FM is a Gtk+ file m

Suggestions accepted

2003-04-10 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
Hello! I'm going to do it with name gtk-fm. Thanks. .''`. Rodrigo Tadeu Claro (rlinux) : :' : Debian-SP - irc.freenode.net - #debian-sp `. `'` email - [EMAIL PROTECTED] `-www.rodrigoclaro.cjb.net ->> UIN168799234 ---

Re: Bom dia debian-devel

2003-04-11 Thread Rodrigo Tadeu Claro
vés de mensagens enviadas por amigos, clientes e outros > contatos em comum. Se o recebimento desta mensagem lhe causa qualquer tipo de > inconveniência, peço que a desconsidere, e que responda este e-mail com o > título REMOVER, para que possa excluir seu endereço de minha relação pe