Re: Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
Debian is innovative with apt, lintian, etc..  But why not innovative with the Desktop experience?      Katrina Jackson PS.  Hardware, Hardware, Hardware, I have to confess, if there was better hardware support I think most people would be happy.  Hardware supported by Ubuntu 6 months ago

Re: package ownership in Debian (was: Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?)

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
  Okay here is another honest question:   Do you really honestly think not having co-maintainers for base packages is ever a good idea?  What if someone is busy?  You don't really feel safe noticing your base packages aren't being co-maintained since people are busy. Also back to the innovation

Re: Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
On 7/28/06, Otavio Salvador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is done by Desktop environmnet task. You might give a try toDebian once d-i beta3 goes out and then redo your comments.I think would be really good if you could to do that. I am happy to hear this.  If the Default Desktop environment seem

Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
o good to take notes from Ubuntu" Unfortunatly I think you just aren't smart enough to read the writing on the wall that there is a reason Ubuntu has been for a while now such a more popular distro then us.                 Katrina Jackson

Re: Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
Do your users who uses those machines not as important to you.    I'm sorry if I've offended people, but can none you guys relate at all to my concerns?        Katrina Jackson

Re: Why does Ubuntu have all the ideas?

2006-07-28 Thread Katrina Jackson
On 7/28/06, Amaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Marco d'Itri wrote:> It's sad that many people replied this way when it's obvious that> Debian has stopped innovating long ago.This is exactly what I am talking about