Le 10/07/2012 21:45, Tomasz Rybak a écrit :
> Thanks for extensive summary. I have one dimension to add to
> this table though: supported OpenCL versions.
> Currently Debian contains opencl-headers in version 1.2.
> Many programs when they encounter headers in particular
> version assume that they
Dnia 2012-07-01, nie o godzinie 00:44 +0200, Vincent Danjean pisze:
[ cut ]
> * at least, here is a summary of problems/warning for different combinaison of
> ICD *Loaders* used at compile-time (CT) and at run-time (RT)
> (problems with ICD compatibility themselves are not taken into account he
Le 01/07/2012 00:44, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
> [Intel OpenCL SDK]: no public Debian packages (software not redistributable)
> * ICD Loader (support OpenCL 1.2): can be installed in Multi-Arch paths
> install libOpenCL.so
> shared library
> soname libOpenCL.so
> symbols n
Le 01/07/2012 00:44, Vincent Danjean a écrit :
> Note that, due to the fact that some software have been written
> very recently (I'm thinking to ocl-icd where I'm also upstream)
> and to the fact that some bug in package dependencies have been
> discovered and fixed after I wrote this document (
L packages in wheezy will mainly depends on
the decisions of the release team to allow or not freeze exceptions.
Summary of the situation of OpenCL in Debian
OpenCL goals
>From wikipedia:
Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a framewor
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