Re: Chroots (was: bind9-chroot)

2001-09-24 Thread Junichi Uekawa
Itai Zukerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> immo vero scripsit > I'd like to do the following: > > $ chroot-get install --root=/var/root/mail exim cyrus-imapd > I don't know what you are trying to do, but export EXTRAPACKAGES="cyrus-imapd exim" pbuilder create --basetgz ~/cyrus-chroot.tar.gz Is one s

Re: Chroots (was: bind9-chroot)

2001-09-23 Thread Martin F Krafft
also sprach Itai Zukerman (on Sun, 23 Sep 2001 01:24:30PM -0400): > Why? My exim uses cyrdeliver to get mail to cyrus. I believe this > means they both need to be in the same chroot. then that's bad programming. you should well be able to make them communicate via TCP or a local socket. and espe

Chroots (was: bind9-chroot)

2001-09-23 Thread Itai Zukerman
I'd like to do the following: $ chroot-get install --root=/var/root/mail exim cyrus-imapd Why? My exim uses cyrdeliver to get mail to cyrus. I believe this means they both need to be in the same chroot. What do I want to accomplish? Hacking my mail/imap servers shouldn't compromise the whole