Re: Braille devices (the problem was DOSemu)

2000-08-20 Thread VZW AUDIO/BRAILLE
ss: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Grtnx, Osvaldo La Rosa ---In answer to your session:--- On 2000-08-19 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: >cc: VZW AUDIO/BRAILLE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] >org, >> [CCed to linux-kernel, as IMO the best idea would be to

SuSE-Blinux: a new Screenreader; Debian? (fwd)

2000-08-19 Thread VZW AUDIO/BRAILLE
(Forward it to interested deb-devels if necessary or to ther right Deb person). Hi, I have on one pc the very great chance to use Debian 2.1 with a hardware braille-display. But actually on another pc I'm suffering from the refusal of my old braille display (not brltty supported) to let me work un