Re: 'export RESOLV_HOST_CONF= any file you want' local vulnerability

2001-01-09 Thread Christoph Baumann
e such a big hole in that case). I too tried it with potato. Christoph -- * Christoph Baumann * * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * ** * "External Error : INTELLIGENCE not found !"*

Non-Debian Debian Packages (maelstrom and libsdl)

2000-03-21 Thread Christoph Baumann
evil dependencies. e.g. the maelstrom package has this: Depends: sdl1(>=3D1.0) sdl1 isn't a official Debian package it should be libsdl1. As I'm the maintainer of maelstrom I'm rather concerned. I will now contact this "maintainer". C

Re: Debian booth at LinuxTag '99?

1999-01-22 Thread Christoph Baumann
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 03:45:46PM +0100, Philipp Frauenfelder wrote: > Btw, how much is a "stone throw"? According to the map I used it's 62.5 km (if you go by plane). By train it will take 1.5 h . Christoph -- * Christoph Baumann *

Re: Debian booth at LinuxTag '99?

1999-01-21 Thread Christoph Baumann
place, sorry). Christoph -- * Christoph Baumann * * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * ** * "External Error : INTELLIGENCE not found !"* pgpPer5NsB4It.pgp D