RE: Loader

2001-09-25 Thread BERNARDES,JOAN \(Non-HP-Brazil,ex1\)
n code (or whatever code normally reboots the machine) to simply call INT19 last. Thanks, Joan. -Original Message- From: Scott Dier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2001 15:40 To: BERNARDES,JOAN (Non-HP-Brazil,ex1) Cc: Lista Debian Developer


2001-09-24 Thread BERNARDES,JOAN \(Non-HP-Brazil,ex1\)
Hi all, This question don't have nothing to do with Debian, but I will try. I want to know if exists an MS-DOS Loader for Linux. There is any tool that can load DOS under Linux? (Like loadlin load Linux in DOS). Thanks, Joan. ## #

RE: HW Probe

2001-09-11 Thread BERNARDES,JOAN \(Non-HP-Brazil,ex1\)
n Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 01:53:09PM -0400, BERNARDES,JOAN (Non-HP-Brazil,ex1) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake forth: > Hi, > I have a question about the Red Hat 7.1 installation CD. > It uses XFree86 4.1? > How it's possible to run in any video card? Anaconda prob

HW Probe

2001-09-10 Thread BERNARDES,JOAN \(Non-HP-Brazil,ex1\)
Hi, I have a question about the Red Hat 7.1 installation CD. It uses XFree86 4.1? How it's possible to run in any video card? Anaconda probe the hw and configure the XServer? I'm doing a similar application in a bootable CD, but I don't know how to probe the